Has anyone else seen this file?
Any help or pointers would be much appreciated.
]]>I do not want to make comments and comment box at the bottom and go on to have a “button” that when loading, would open a page (style pop-up) in there that people wrote the comment and had access to comments correspondestes to post.
Someone can help me?
Thank you,
Pedro Lopes
For example, if I use the following URL: https://website.com/?comments_popup=14 with a single standard post, I get the comment popup window. However, if I use https://website.com/?comments_popup=141 (where the ID of the post is the ID of the CPT post) and redirected to https://website.com/vbirthday/cpt/post-title/?comments_popup=117 and shown the single display of the CPT post.
Anyone know a way to make the comments popup work with CPT?
I need this urgently! Killing my schedule trying to work around this hiccup.
I’ve taken the comments.php code and just pasted it in the comments-popup file so all of the divs and styling are there, but it won’t display the comments.
Can anyone help?
]]>Im wondering if it is possible to place the wordpress comments in fancyBox or Lightbox?
So when you click on a link on the page to “leave a comment” it will then open the comments within a fancybox popup. Once submitted it will then close and display then comment on the page?
Anyone know how to do this or if there is a plugin that does it?
i made my own theme in witch i used the comments-popup.php file (inserted with ajax using fancybox) to write comments on posts and pages.
since the upgrade to 3.0.x my theme returns a 404 error if i try to load the comments-popup.php on a page, but works on every post.
after some hours of searching, i’m comming to the conclusion that the problem is within the wordpress chain, wich in some point retunrs a 404 instead of the processed content of the popup file,
i’m having the same error using the default theme (inserting comments_popup_script and comments_popup_link funtions)
if anyone want to see what i mean, look at my site www.andresbott.com
->in “mumuc” (page) you can’t write a comment, but on every blog entry you can.
<p class="postmetadata"><?php the_tags('Tags: ', ', ', '<br />'); ?>Posted in <?php the_category(', ') ?> | <?php edit_post_link('Edit', '', ' | '); ?> <?php comments_popup_link('What do you think? <img src="/wp-content/extra/icon_megaphone.gif" width="13" height="9" alt="Yes?" /> »', '1 Comment »', '% Comments »'); ?></p>
I disabled all plugins with no change and checked this in IE8 and FF. While my normal comments work, I would prefer to use the popup. Has the nested comments feature made the popup obsolete?
]]>I am basically creating my own Theme based off the default Kubrick theme provided. It’s pretty much completed, but I can’t see where comments-popup.php is actually used?
What is is used for and how can I see an example of it in action??
I did read a bit in the Codex but I couldn’t really get my head around it.
Thanks to any help in advance.
]]>Comments themselves are too small. I can change every other font but that one which seems to have alluded me.
theme template?
I built my site’s theme from scratch and recently I included threaded comments support for single posts and pages but I can’t find a way (in this forum or in the codex) to add threded comments functionality in comments-popup.php
Can someone recommend me a hack or a whole basic loop to make it possible? <?php wp_list_comments(); ?>
does not work in comments popup template…
In reality my theme’s comments-popup.php
tamplate is a modification of the one included in Kubric default template…
Thank you in advance for any help