It seems I had accidentally published the post instead of saving the draft, and it went out to Telegram and Twitter. Once I saw it in my Telegram group hours later, I quickly deleted the announcements and sent the post back to draft.
Could that have removed all comments?
How do I get them back?
]]>The problem is the disqus comment block wouldn’t show up at all on the footer of my posts.
To install this plugin and get it working, I had to make a few edits to my files.
modified twentythriteen single post.php with via WP Dashboard Theme editor for twentythriteen
<?php twentythirteen_post_nav_author(); ?>
and commented out the old line
<? /* php twentythirteen_post_nav(); */ ?>
added function twentythirteen_post_nav_author()
to wordpress/wp-content/themes/twentythirteen/functions.php
Once I disabled the Ambrose… plugin, I got an error because post.php was calling an undeclared function twentythirteen_post_nav_author().
I also noticed there’s a pretty big difference in one of the functions in Ambrose plugin next/prev and the regular twentythirteen one.
regular themed one
<?php previous_post_link( '%link', _x( '<span class="meta-nav">←</span> %title', 'Previous post link', 'twentythirteen' ) ); ?>
ambrose one
<?php previous_post_link_plus( array('in_same_author' => true, 'in_same_cat' => true) ); ?>
I was thinking perhaps Ambrose plugin is designed for an older theme or something. I had some problems with the arrows on the navigation earlier. Not a deal breaker, they just didn’t show up right.
So, disabled plugin, uncommented and commented out to get back to default stuff and it’s working again w/out the plugin ah well.
WordPress 3.8
Theme Twentythirteen 1.1
Ambrosite Next/Previous Post Link Plus 2.4
how can i get them back?
]]>I just upgraded to the latest WP version. And when I set the permalinks to be the “Custom Structure” and put in: /%postname%/ the comments form disappeared.
There was also mention of a missing .htaccess file – which is hidden on a Mac, and doesn’t show up in the FTP, even though the settings are set to allow viewing of the file once uploaded.
I don’t know anything about the code here. But it the desired permalink address does work as I wanted it to (displayed at the top in the edit section).
It’s just that now the comments form has disappeared.
Any ideas?