]]>I’ve allready asked this question in the general forum a few days ago, but nobody answered.
I’ll try here, because the problem is quite big and it’s important for me.
I have a website based one a theme Radcliffe.
There is a comment counter in two places for one post: first in the top, just above post title and the second one in the very beginning of the comments section.
My problem is, these two counters show different comments sum.
The bottom one works correctly, but the counter in the top of a post stops counting on number 2 and doesn’t show any larger digit (there is a few posts with larger number of comments and the top counter shows ‘2 comments’ for each of them).
Counters works in two ways.
The bottom one (working good) is based on echo function:
<?php echo count($wp_query->comments_by_type['comment']) . ' ';
echo _n( 'comment' , 'comments' , count($wp_query->comments_by_type['comment']), 'radcliffe' ); ?>
The top counter (counting only to 2) uses comments_popup_link() function:
<?php if ( comments_open() ) { echo '<span class="sep">/</span> '; comments_popup_link( '0 comments', '1 comment', '2 comments', '% comments', 'post-comments' ); } ?>
I am nearly sure that these codes have not been modified since the installation of this theme.
Could somebody please show me where is a bug there? Or how can I find it?
]]>I use Disqus.
Any idea what I need to do?
]]>anyone an idea how to show the comments count on each post when using the facebook comments for wordpress plugin?
I tried using the Facebook comments counter plugin but when I enter my application secret I get an fatal error and my site is down.
Okay, so here is my problem.. I modified a theme I found for a company’s blog I have been working with, where there was a problem with the commentcounter, showing the same number of comments (2) on all posts (the total number), and after some research I replaced the theme-creators code with the original code from a standard WP-theme, and it’s all good, EXCEPT there is a weird number “2” showing right after the comments link.. I have searched through all of the pages, but can’t find where it comes from.. If it would have been an unclosed tag or something, like <h2.. then it should say “h2” as text, not just 2?
Help plz? Looks weird..