Fatal error: Call to a member function step1() on a non-object in D:\Hosting\7413495\html\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\livejournal-importer\livejournal-importer.php on line 22
It’s frustrating, because my entire LiveJournal, has, in fact, imported completely. I just can’t connect the comments and the original posts.
]]>What I’d like to accomplish is the following:
I like to add a “Reply to Comment” Link at the lowest allowed Depth in the new 2.7 threaded comments.
At the moment I have a depth of 2, so only top comments have the link to reply to them directly and all answers are shown below this comment. If someone else already answered to it, the comments are shown in chronological order.
Unfortunately I always have to click on the reply link from the top comment, because the comments below it don’t show the link.Is it possible to have a reply link on these lowest comments, which does basically the same as the reply link on level above, so that people realize they can answer here as well?
At the moment, I am using comments at depth 2 with the code from the Codex which is:
<?php comment_reply_link(array_merge( $args, array('reply_text' => 'Reply', 'add_below' =>
$add_below, 'depth' => $depth, 'max_depth' => $args['max_depth']))); ?>
However, no “reply” to this comment link appears on the children comments. Please help!
]]>Sorry if this question has been asked elsewhere, I searched the forums before posting!
]]>When threading is enabled in 2.7, is there a plan to enable the sorting of the comments list in in the admin to match the order in which they appear on the public site? I maintain a blog that gets around 100 comments each day on multiple posts. The blog authors would like to use the cool new 2.7 features and reply to comments from the admin, but because the comments are displayed strictly in chronological order and it’s not possible to easily see which comments are linked to which other comments as replies, the authors have decided it’s less confusing to reply from the public side.
Although I seem to be the only person wondering why this functionality isn’t in the core, are there plans to allow the admin comments list to display in the same order as on the public site when threading is enabled? If not, could this be done with a plugin?