wp cache-warmer start
I get this error:
Error: 'cache-warmer' is not a registered wp command. See 'wp help' for available commands.
So the WP-CLI command is not being registered as it should.
]]>Can I work around the problem by using the webp-express command in a php file? So I will just put the path with the php file with the command in it (eg: mypath/cron/cron.php)
command: >
/bin/sh -c ‘
sleep 10;
wp core install –path=”/var/www/html” –url=”https://localhost:8080″ –title=”Dashboard” –admin_user=admin –admin_password=********** –[email protected] –skip-email;
wp plugin install paid-member-subscriptions –activate;
wp pms set-plan –title=”Gold” –description=”Access to Gold level content” –access-levels=”1,2″;
wp pms set-plan –title=”Platinum” –description=”Access to Platinum level content” –access-levels=”1,2″;
wp pms set-plan –title=”Platinum Plus” –description=”Access to Platinum Plus level content” –access-levels=”1,2″;
wp pms set-plan –title=”Corporate Administrator” –description=”Access to Silver Corporate Administrator content” –access-levels=”1,2″;
wp plugin install wordpress-importer –activate;
wp import /wordpress-import/WordPress.xml –authors=create –skip=attachment;
sudo wp wc customer update 141 --meta_data="[{"key":"test_meta1","value":"test_meta_value"}]" --user=1
However, this does not work.
The result I get is
Success: Updated customer 141.
sudo wp wc customer get 141 --fields=meta_data --user=1 | grep test_meta
returns blank.
curl -X PUT https://www.example.com/wp-json/wc/v3/customers/141 \ -u consumer_key:consumer_secret \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{"meta_data": [{"key": "test_meta1","value": "test_meta_value"}]}'
would work, but I’d prefer to use the wp wc CLI if possible, rather than the REST API.
I’ve also tried adding meta_data to products, with similar challenges – eg
sudo wp wc product create --name="test2" --sku="test2" --regular_price=10 --meta_data="[{"meta_data": [{"key": "test_meta1","value": "test_meta_value"}]}]" --user=1
What’s the right format for supplying meta_data on the wp wc CLI command line interface? I get it needs to be an array… but what format does that actually mean? Can anyone product a working example?
]]>The problem is, of course, that updates are critical to maintain security, so what about putting the site owner in charge? I know, shocking concept to let the actual owner decide what happens on their site (gasp :), but what about making CLI tools available that allow site owners to set up cron jobs to enable/trigger/disable auto-updates? They know their site load, so they cab run this during low volume. It would also enable them to run a backup before such an update session, creating a rollback ability in case an update is less than perfect or generates a site conflict.
This does imply that there is a mechanism in place that triggers updates as soon as the ability is enabled. I’m also not sure if it would be possible to choose such an update process to sequentially walk through site plugins to reduce load impact, but that also suggests an alternative approach: updates (and associated polling/traffic/slowdowns/UI impacts) are disabled until a run is triggered which updates each element (WP, themes, plugins) once, then ends updates until the next trigger – for high end sites, this would be close to perfection.
It is but a suggestion, but given that I see “Disable auto-updates” plugins be very popular it appears I’m not the only one who finds the current process helpful, but in need of some finetuning by giving site owners control over the timing.
]]>I tried to make wp working but wp install updraftplus
got error.
root@6ae202879b24:/var/www/html# wp install updraftplus --allow-root
Error: 'install' is not a registered wp command. See 'wp help' for available commands.
root@6ae202879b24:/var/www/html# wp package install updraftplus --allow-root
Error: Invalid package: shortened identifier 'updraftplus' not found.
My testing wordpress is running on a docker with docker-compose.
Please let us know how to restore wordpress site if login page is not loading.
]]>I’d like to run a bash script to do this but I can’t seem to get it to work. My code is:
for i in "$@"
echo ""
echo "Starting: $i"
ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=accept-new "$i@$i.ssh.wpengine.net" 'wp import ~/sites/$i/import.xml --authors=skip; wp cache flush; exit;'
echo "Done with $i"
echo ""
I should be able to run this through terminal by using ./script.sh environment1 environment2 ...
but it does not work. It will display “starting import process” and exit with no confirmation.
Is there another way to do this I’m not aware of?
]]>Oblige à connaitre le langage SQL.
Pas de filtre, pas de commande TRUNC, DROP ou OPTIMIZE toute faite
Pas de fonction ClipBoard incluse pour recueillir et traiter un SHOW TABLES.
Ne permet pas de se passer d’un accès direct à PhpMyAdmin qui permet tout ?a.