After I save the page, the span tag works in front-end. However, the span tag is stripped in the backend when I open SiteOrigin Editor to check again.
Below is the HTML code before I save.
<ul class="fa-ul feature">
<li><span class="fa-li"><i class="fas fa-check"></i></span>test1</li>
<li><span class="fa-li"><i class="fas fa-check"></i></span>test2</li>
Below is the HTML code after I save.
<ul class="fa-ul feature">
<li><i class="fas fa-check"></i>test1</li>
<li><i class="fas fa-check"></i>test2</li>
Is there anyway to fix this problem?
]]>I’m using these “special” links on the homepage of one of my websites. When looking at this link on my site (thanks to some nice css in place as well), it appears like a linked image.
Because of page load speed reasons and to display images in high resolution, I chose to go with a link like this, instead of embedding an image the way I normally would.
I think, because this appears to be an “empty” link, my code gets stripped when I switch between “Visual” and “Text” editors. Can you provide a way to prevent those a tags from getting stripped when switching back and forth?
<a class="frontpage-link" style="background-image: url(/wp-content/uploads/circle.jpg);" href="" target="_blank"></a>
]]>WP’s automatic paragraphs are being stripped when a protected post is rendered for non-members.
In blog view, paragraphs have normal spacing below them through the “more” tag.
In single post view, paragraphs run together unless rendered to a logged in browser.
The “more” tag seems to be key but we can’t trace the issue much further. Firebug shows other blog pages (nonprotected) rendering correctly through the “more” tag; but for protected content there are no “p” codes, and if added manually “p” and “br” code is stripped in editor. Other HTML code — href, image — is not stripped.
Not stripped:
Puzzling; your thoughts?
]]>My issue is a bit wider in scope as it involves actual css and formatting elements which worked just fine in that field, until version 3.1. Because of the nature of the photos I use and credits required, I could do one caption with something like <small><b>Pomerlo - <em>Quartier populaire</em></b><br />Production: <a href="" target="_blank">Tonic Productions</a> - Tous droits réservés</small>
and it would spit out exactly what I needed for THAT photo, and I could move on to the next with whatever was required for it.
I don’t use the visual editor, only the html side. My question is simple: am I stuck just coding the caption straight in the post once the picture is inserted or is there a way to keep my code in the uploader as it was prior to 3.1?
]]><a href=" 1; Bsearch 2 ¶m=31">website link text</a>
I save the page and preview it. This is what WordPress sends to my Firefox browser:
<a href="http: ¶m="31" target="_blank"" 1="" Bsearch="" 2;="" ?search="Asearch" func="""">website link text</a href="http:>
I have TinyMCE Advanced installed and active, and TinyMCE Valid Elements installed and active. The only elements and attributes I have entered into TinyMCE Valid Elements are:
a, target, href
If I save the page, and close it, and then open it again, the code is unchanged, so I don’t know if the problem is WP or TinyMCE. I’d sure appreciate some help.