is there any way to set permissions that an author can clear the cache?
I’m trying to make cache scheduled cleaning using the shared server provider’s scheduler and info from W3TC FAQ showed below:
How can I flush the cache without using the WP Admin interface?
It’s possible to empty the entire cache or simply purge the cache of a single post / page:
Purge the entire cache of html content:
if (function_exists(‘w3tc_flush_posts’)) {
Purge a single post / page by passing it’s ID:
if (function_exists(‘w3tc_flush_post’)) {
When I test it – it shows the message “Success”, but actually it does nothing, all files in cache remain as it was before launching command.
Please provide me info what I should adjust or what could be wrong in this settings. Thank you!
]]>add_filter( 'tablepress_flush_caching_plugins_caches', '__return_false' );
but still on the table updating cache files are deleted (remain empty directories of cache or html files are deleted and there are files .needs-rebuild).
How completely block interference plugin TABLEPRESS the cache files generated by WP Super Cache?
sorry for my English
]]>Thank you