]]>Not like revote. I don’t want the user to vote multiple time but I will like the user to change their vote as many as they want.
I tried to use acf update_field but I am not sure how to complement them.
update_field('field_559c9a79bed35', the_field( 'field_559c9a79bed35', get_the_ID() ) , get_the_ID());
Any advice?
]]>I am allowing only logged in users to vote. But once someone has voted, he cannot change his vote! There should be a possibility that the vote form is still visible and the vote can be changed.
Maybe this is already possible, but at least I didn’t find how to set it up this way…
]]>Is there a way for a user to change their vote?
I am using the gallery for people to pick narrow down their best images from a photoshoot and eventually narrow it down to their top 10. So people may start off with a 4-star image and they then decide that they want to make it 5-star etc.
Unlimiting the voting is one way, but that takes the average vote. I.e. a 5 star and a 1 star vote = a 3 star vote.