I am a Graphic Designer with no previous WP experience. I have been asked by a client to improve their website, which was created with WP and hosted by Foxbright.
Their current website is pretty bad (squished images, no organization/grid, mostly text). What is the best way for me to create a new WP site that will then substitute that site, but maintain their domain, hosting, rank, etc.? Should I request their designer/web developer’s access and modify the site, or is there an easy way to create a WP test site and then transfer it to their domain? If I create a separate site, do I need a different domain to even install WP?
I am looking for the most fool-proof way, as I have good design skills and am confident I can figure out creating a WP site, but no previous experience with it, and do not want to mess up my client’s site.
Thank you!!
]]>Someone has been working with me on a demo wordpress site.
I now wish to make this my live site. i.e. replace my current WordPress site.
Can someone please tell me how I do this as I can’t see anything simple that says “make live site” etc anywhere.
There are heaps of these blocks in the ‘pickup’ sort of page:
// Render mobile site if Opera mini
case ( eregi('opera mini', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) && ! mopr_convert_to_bool(mopr_get_option('iswebbrowser_operamini', 1)) );
$this->browser = "operam";
$this->activated = TRUE;
$this->theme = mopr_get_option('operamtheme',1);
// Render mobile site if Windows Mobile
case ( eregi('Windows CE', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) && ! mopr_convert_to_bool(mopr_get_option('iswebbrowser_windows',1)) );
$this->browser = "msce";
$this->activated = TRUE;
$this->theme = mopr_get_option('windowstheme',1);
What do I need to modify in the above code for IE6?
Many thanks,
Kenneth Watt
I was wondering if someone could help me with the following :
1. how to eliminate some stuff from my website such as Archive, Search Bar, Recent Comments
2. how to change the color inside the middle pages (right now it is ORANGE !)
3. the Contact page is not working, the web designer forgot to finish it …..
4. how to update the site (I have an older version)
Please take a look at the site www.photosforprinting.com
If someone has any recommendations or ideas about the site, they would be very welcome.
I do not know what version I have, all I can tell you is that the site was made in March and modified by me in Oct…… whatever I was able to do from the control panel (I am not good with CSS, HTML, none of these technical stuff).
I would really appreciate your help.
But, PLEASE, tell me in plain simple words and way of doing it, do not use the technical web designer language
Thank you so much,