I want to Change the colours of the Gear icon to #fff
The Search button should be #32cd32
and the “Edit Profile”button should be #006098
Here is what I am talking about— https://prnt.sc/Ji9bsHWCGjTG
Please, how do I achieve these changes?
]]>Thank you
]]>So far I’ve got this from an older post on this forum. I did change it already in this:
I hope you have a solution?
.lwpcngNotice {
padding: 12px 24px;
font: 14px/18px “Ubuntu”,”PT Sans”,sans-serif;
box-shadow: 0 0 4px
rgba(232, 204, 204);
border: 0 solid;
.lwpcngNotice-light .lwpcngNotice_accept:hover {
background: #232, 204, 204;
.lwpcngNotice-light A, .lwpcngNotice-light A:visited {
font: 14px/18px “Ubuntu”,”PT sans”sans-serif;
.lwpcngNotice-light A, .lwpcngNotice-light A:hover {
font: 16px/20px “Ubuntu”,”PT Sans”,sans-serif;
.lwpcngNotice-light .lwpcngNotice_accept {
I need help changing colours of the WooCommerce features as none of the colours match my brands – I’ve been searching the forums but none of the CSS code works for me. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m using a different theme. Also tried downloading a couple of plugins but those didn’t work either.
I’d like to change
1) Price colour – from green to black or grey
2) Add to basket button – from purple to my brand colour #bc2477
3) Proceed to checkout button – from purple to my brand colour #bc2477
4) Place order button – from purple to my brand colour #bc2477
Any help I can help will be super appreciated as I’m super stuck. If all I can do is change the price – I’m ok with that too because the green doesn’t work anywhere on my site.
Thanks in advance.
My website is www.oliviasplace.org.au
I’ve changed the colours to the menu hovers and dropdowns but the home button still shows as blue on my homepage, could you please help me with some custom css for this and also the following?
The widgets sidebar all have the same bright blue borders and title sections. I’d like to be able to change it to a colour of my choice.
Please help?
Thank you!
]]>I am having trouble to figure out how to change the colour of headers of pages shown in grids. On a grid page I’ve managed to change the colours of headers. But they show up in a different colour in the frontpage panels. I can’t find the css where I can change these headers. I don’t mean the headers shown in boxes, but subheaders, generated from the gridpages underneath.
Hope someone can help!
]]>Wasn’t it supposed to be something like one of the core features? I really don’t want that other people know that i’m using a custom player, site should look aestheticly accurate. To be honest surprised that no one asked about this option before..
Other than that, fantastic plugin with a lot of cool features. Thanks for creating it and making it available for everyone.
]]>I want to edit several layout options in the free version of the kathmandu theme. I wonder if you could help me locating the files (css/php) where i can edit these:
– I want to change the colours of the main menu and the page (orange and red)
– I want to move the menu to left, under the logo/ and reduce the height of the menu and header
– I want to add a shadow on page sides (separating the main page with the background picture/colour with a line or shadow)
– by the Homepage featured content: add texts in the picture with orange/red under-colour
my page is https://benjoytours.com/wordpress/en_US/
I really hope that you can help me with this.
kind regards,
]]>I want to edit several layout options in the free version of the kathmandu theme. I wonder if you could help me locating the files (css/php) where i can edit these:
– I want to change the colours of the main menu and the page (orange and red)
– I want to move the menu to the left, under the logo/ and reduce the height of the menu and header
– I want to add a shadow on page sides (separating the main page with the background picture/colour with a line or shadow)
– by the Homepage featured content: add texts in the picture with orange/red under-colour
I really hope that you can help me with this.
kind regards,