First, let me thank you again for this absolutely amazing plugin.
Next, just a question: each field is exported to its own column which is perfect. However, for the chainedselect field, it’s not working as it should.
As you now, the chainedlselect field is a kind of “multiple fields in a single field”. When I use your plugin to explort this field, all datas are in the same column. Is there any way to fix that and to have each chainedlselect sub-field in a seperate column?
Please note that the native Gravity Forms export fonction is working as intented (each subfield in its seperate column)
I tried that and it did not worked:
add_filter('gfexcel_field_chained_selects_fields', function($fields, $entry) { return $fields; }, 140, 9);
Neither did this:
add_filter('gfexcel_transformer_fields', function ($fields) {
$fields['chained_selects'] = 'GFExcel\Field\SeparableField';
return $fields;
Edit 2:
I’m quite ashmed… Found out the solution myself in the global options of the plugin: “Split multi-fields (name, address) into multiple columns”. I guess this should be the default behavior for the chained select field though.
]]>I was recently handed a site that has the chained selects plugin for gravity forms. Does anywhere know where the CSV file that was previously uploaded is stored on the server or where it would be in the database?
]]>Thank you.
]]>Great plugin and especially the idea of the apis to retrieve the fields.
I’m wondering if there is a way to make a chained select boxes ?
I mean something like: 1°dropdown (option A, option B , option C) -> 2° dropdown (option D, option E); when I select the option A it has to be available only the option E in the second dropdown etc..
If it is not possible yet, can you suggest me a way to edit (guess using jquery) the plugin in such a way I can accomplish this task ?
]]>I’ve placed the two files (php and js) in I have made a couple of small modifications from the original.
The instructions for using this plugin are on this site
This is the code I placed in the page template:
chainselect_getcategories( 'location', 3, array('Select Continent', 'Select Country', 'Select State/Province'), array('Select Continent', 'Select Country', 'Select State/Province'), 'Submit', '', 0 );
I’m working on localhost, so I don’t have a link to the actual site.
The first argument “location” is a custom hierarchical taxonomy with 3 levels.
When the page is first loaded, the first dropdown is correctly populated. The second and third are greyed-out as they should be.
If I select a continent, the second field almost disappears and remains empty although there are terms to display.
According to reviews, this plugin used to work very well but not with the most recent version of WP. The plugin seems to have been abandoned.
I went through all the WP functions and checked them against the codex. I can’t see a problem. The PHP looks OK to me but I’m far from being an expert. And the JS seems OK to me.
I did a var_dump($_POST) in the template file right after the line that calls chainselect_getcategories and it’s empty. I don’t know where else I can use the var_dump().
Firebug console does not give any JS errors.
I’ve tried comparing this code to other examples I’ve found, but as inexperienced as I am, I can’t make heads or tales of it.
Is there anyone who can give me a hand? I’d appreciate it so much!