I’m building a french website. I’m having issues with the email encoding.
For instance, when I send: Québec à è ?
I receive Qu????bec ? ?¨ ?ˉ
Can you help please ?
]]>Great plugin!
I just have a few problems. The contact form works just fine, and I have created a message body that should give the recipient all the information I would like. And it does, but here is the problem.
The recieved mail is really, really ugly and unorganized.
Special characters (I am norwegian, we use ?-?-?) are exchanged with many other characthers. This makes it hard to read. The HTML-codes I have used in the message body, like
to create som spaces, have no effect. Everything is just in one, giant, messy text block.
These two problems should be solved, and I don’t know how. Any suggestions?
Example of recieved mail:
Svar til: [email protected]
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
From: My Name <[email protected]>
Sender: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: Ny bestilling
Date: Sat, 24 Oct 2015 12:58:28 +0000
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Disposition: inline
MIME-Version: 1.0
<p>Hei. </p>=0A<p>Du har f=C3=A5tt en ny bestilling p=C3=A5 Friluftsutle=
ie.no</p>=0A<p><b>Info om kunde:</b>
=0ANavn: Steffen Berland <br /=
=0ATelefonnr: 95172827
=0AE-postadresse: <[email protected]></p>=
=0A<p><b>Bestillingen inneholder f=C3=B8lgende produkter:</b>
amasjer fra Salewa, kr 50 per dag
=0AFlytevest, voksen, kr 30 per d=
ag</p>=0A<p>=0AF=C3=B8lget best=C3=A5r av 4 personer.</p>=0A<p><b>Aksept=
av eget ansvar ved l=C3=A5n av utstyr:</b>
=0AJeg aksepterer at de=
rsom utstyret blir =C3=B8delagt, eller p=C3=A5f=C3=B8res skader, skal je=
g betale for nytt, tilsvarende produkt.</p>=0A<p><b>Kommentarer fra kund=
]]>I’m having some problems sending uploaded files containing special characters (??? etc.). The mail is sent OK, but the attached file is renamed “1” without any filer extension at all.
I’ve searched for a solution, but have found nothing so far. I’m hoping someone can help me here!
Thanks in advance,
]]>The strange characters are always ?, á, é, í , ó , ú.
The characters that appear are: ?± ?? ?? ?- ?3 ?o
Thank you
]]>My data:
web.myserver.com = base hosting server
mywebsite.com = the website which uses the plugin
[name] / [mail] = name / e-mail field in CF7
I want to send an e-mail with these data:
from: [email protected] (//Avoid spam/blacklist problems)
to: [email protected]
Additional headers: Reply-To: [name] <[mail]>
It works if the name uses normal latin characters, but I work a lot with german people, so I often have names like “Müller”. Everytime the name got a special non-standard character (like “ü”) the reply-to header doesn’t work and I got something like
Reply-To: Franz Müller <[email protected]>, @web.myserver.com
And it doesn’t work at all because if I click “reply” it gives me an address exactly like i wrote up before, with comma and all.
If the name doesn’t have any special character, reply-to command works!