I am trying this software for a project I am making. I like it very much, but I can’t find two features that are crictical for my project:
1) I want to create a map with several markers belonging to different cathegories (e.g: theatres, restaurants, pubs, etc) and make each of them independently show or hide its markers on the map. (so user can activate the layer of restaurants and hide the other two, view restaurants + pubs but not theatres, etc)
2) I want to link a post of my blog section to each of those markers, thus making that when clicking upon them, a new browser window is opened showing that particular post. Do you know if this is possible with this software?
P.S: I don’t know anything about code writing, but I can try to manage with it if that’s the only way
thank you very much
]]>I’m using Emphaino theme, there’s a sidebar at the bottom where you can add cathegories/tags etc. from widget area in admin panel.
I’ve created custom post type and custom taxonomy that is hierarchical and i want it to behave and display like cathegories in that bootom part.
In widget poanel i can choose tag clouds and est my custom taxonomy but it displays like tags. What I’m doing wrong?
And it doesn’t import the cathegories. I don’t know what is the problem. Someone has the same problem?
]]>I have problems getting cathegories to show up in my sidebar. They do exist somehow as it is possible to cathegorize stuff to the new ones but I want the cathegories to show up in the sidebar and create pages under them. Any help is appreciated!
]]>1.how can I remove the Blogroll section from my blog?
2. how do I add cathegories under Cathegories?
3. how do I remove the line under the header text if I′m using the design “Veryplaintext”? What is the line called in the “header” in the theme editor?
I don?′t know if it goes here… but:
I?′d like to add a new cathegory into the side bar: “Use”
in this category I will add some small banners to free sotfware sites, like FireFox, Thunderbird, etc… and also a category called “Powered By” where I will put wordpress banner plus linux red hat, apache and my sql banners.
How to do this? Is it hard? Im a noob on Php.
And is it possible to change “Blogroll” to “Visit”?