Is there a separate RSS feed for category pages? Finally, the recipe partition cannot define yoast.
]]>Currently, the RSS option reads, “Sitename >> NameofCategory Category Field” (ie it always says “Category Field” after every category).
I want it to just read SiteName CategoryName (otherwise it is too long in the RSS view).
Does anyone know how to adjust this? Thanks, DBD
]]>Could you guys plz tell me how to delete rss of a deleted category?
]]>Is it possible to retrieve products RSS based on categories?
Which syntax?
]]>Right now we’re using a plugin called Category Specific RSS to direct users to a specific category of product we sell (i.e. electronics, jewelry, etc.). From there they are able to signup to receive notifications about new products in a specific category.
Is there an easy way to do this where we can have this:
Enter Email Here
< input > </ input >
Checkboxes for each category
_ Electronics
_ Jewelry
_ Guns
_ etc.
So, in the end it’s just a matter of a checkmark next to a category and a one-time click solution.
We also have a developer’s license of Gravity Forms if there’s a solution through that route and an Add-On for it.
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
]]>Main site:
– This is my main feed, works great
I have a category called “Stewardship”, so that category feed should be:
– This just brings me to the fully rendered category archive page for Stewardship. Not an RSS feed
I also tried (which I figured wouldn’t work, but just for grins):
– This redirects to my main feed
I also tried (which, according to the docs, SHOULD work): (the ID of the “Stewardship” category)
– This just redirects to my main blog page
I have a feeling it’s something to do with my .htaccess, but I’m not sure what. Here’s what’s in there (which I thought was the default WordPress stuff)
# BEGIN WordPress
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
# END WordPress
I AM using a custom permalink structure. That structure is:
– but I didn’t think that would affect the category. So I’m not sure which one (either the permalinks or the .htaccess) is messing up the category feed
]]>How would you remove tags from the category RSS using the functions.php?
]]>I tried going to:
I’ve disabled all my plugins and tried the above URLs again, but as long as my permalink structure is /%category%/%postname%/, I can’t get a category feed.
I’m sure many people are using this structure. Any help in figuring out how to get category feeds working would be much appreciated. Thanks!
]]>1. How do I get this code to stop outputting the post id above the link?
2. Is there a better way to do this? The code for doing the same thing on cateogry.php was a lot more simple (and is posted at the very bottom of this post), so I have a feeling I may be missing an implementation with a built in function or something.
Thanks for any thoughts.
Code I have put in single.php:
$cat_from_post_id = get_the_category(the_ID()); //get child category from post id
$slug = $cat_from_post_id[0]->slug; //get slug from array
$cat_parent = $cat_from_post_id[0]->parent; //get parent category id from array
$parent_cat_name = get_cat_name($cat_parent); //get parent category name from id
$base_url = get_bloginfo( url ); //get base url
<a href='<?php echo $base_url . '/category/' . $parent_cat_name . '/' . '/feed';?>'>Subscribe to the category feed.</a>
For reference, this is how I implemented the category feeds from category.php and first tried, to no avail, to implement it on single.php.
$this_category = get_category($cat);
echo '<a href="'.get_category_feed_link($this_category->cat_ID, '').'">Subscribe</a>';
]]>When people click on a category name, I want the category name to also display a link to the RSS feed for that category only.
I know a lot of questions have been asked on this subject and I’ve looked at the answers, but I can’t seem to find this specific issue.
If you go to my site and click on a category name, you will see my failed attempt at doing this.
Any help would be appreciated!