IN this page only categories list is visible and I Use archive template. Even though its not paginating categories, please check it and reply me.
I need to paginate categories only
]]>Category page:
]]>My main navigation menu contains links to the three categories I have on my site (ex. Photos, Diary, News). So when you click on that link it displays all the posts within that category.
However, the pagination links at the bottom of each single-post page link to the next/previous post on the site regardless of what it’s category is. So, for example, any given single-post in the “Photos” category may have a “Previous Post” pagination link at the bottom, which does indeed link to the previous post, but which may be a post in an entirely different category, for example “News”.
Is there someway I can get it so a single-post in a given category will only link to the previous/next post within that category? So readers can scroll through all the posts in that category one-by-one?
If anyone has a solution I would greatly appreciate it, thanks!
]]>I have two small problems and I would be grateful for some help:
1. After updating AIOSP settings – the admin sidebar icon is visible at the top, but after the page is reloaded its position returns to the bottom of the sidebar. You can see an example here:
2. I noticed, that the pagination on category pages looks like this:
category_title – blog_title – page_number
(example here:
but it should probably look like this (default WP hierarchy):
category_title – page_number – blog_title
I’m having problems with category pagination in my website. No matter what page I click in the pagination bar, it always shows the first page. The URI changes, but the content shown is from the first page. Here is an example:
I have the latest version of Hueman theme and also have a child theme. Any suggestions?
Thank you!
The category link (first paginated page) is WORKS OK
the first click returns this link WORKS OK
the second click returns this link NOT OK
Why the code removes #all but not page/2 from the link?
What am I doing wrong and how can I improve the code?
The code I used:
<a href="<?php echo get_category_link($category_id).'page/'.$i;?>" <?php echo ($paged==$i)? 'class="active"':'';?>><?php echo $i;?></a>
<a href="<?php echo get_category_link($category_id).'page/'.$i;?>">Next</a>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
]]>It eliminates the 404 error but IT JUST LOADS IN THE SAME POSTS ON THE PAGES.
]]>I have a problem with category pagination, in translations, at
– The blog is running on WP 4.0
– I’ve defined permalink custom structure “/%category%/%postname%/”
– I’ve installed “Yoast WordPress SEO”, configuring, on permalinks, to take out ‘category’ from the URLs.
– I’ve installed WPML for translations.
It’s a little bit strange, I’ll try to explain:
The spanish language works perfectly. You can see into categories and their pages ( Ex. “” – “” )
The problem is on the two other languages we have active: italian and portuguese.
The first alert, for me, was trying to access “”, it sent me to a 404 not found page. Then I tried in italian “” and it failed too.
I went into the SEO Yoast Configuration, uncheck ‘take out category from urls’, save and then,I’ve checked it again and save. You know what? Now, the first language accessed work ( ex. ), but the second one still sends you to a 404 page. If I repeat the process of uncheck and check and enter first on italian, then it’s “” the one that doen’t work.
I’ve tried to install ‘FV Top Level Categories’ as commented on SEO configuration, but it’s still failing.
Do you know what it could be happening? Any idea on what can I try, next?
Thanks in advance for your help,
Sergio Ruiz
]]>Screenshot here :
Now my products page after i click on any of the catgeory displays correctly with the right pagination.
My only problem is the category page..its displaying wonr pagination..i dont even understand why it is displaying pages..shouldnt there be no page at all since its only categories.
Awaiting for anyones hel[p. thank you
and previous_posts_link
functions. They return category paginated URLs in form
This allows user to view post while remaining in category view.
How can I achieve same effect with previous_post_link_plus
function? It currently returns the direct page link. I am using the following settings:
$nav_result_options = array(
'order_by' => 'post_date',
'loop' => false,
'end_post' => false,
'thumb' => false,
'max_length' => 0,
'format' => '%link',
'date_format' => 'd/m/Y',
'tooltip' => '%title',
'in_same_cat' => true,
'in_same_tax' => false,
'in_same_format' => false,
'in_same_author' => false,
'in_same_meta' => false,
'ex_cats_method' => 'strong',
'in_cats' => $cat_id,
'num_results' => 1000,
'return' => 'output'
The final effect I am going for is to display list posts in current category with each link as category paginated URL. I could not find in documentation how to change the URL type which is returned.