I’m trying to delete the max-width CSS rule on my WordPress/Woocommerce website, but I’ve been unable to do it.
I’ve tried adding some variations of a CSS rule I’ve found on another forum to my styles.css but I was unable to make it work.
For context, here’s the CSS Rule (which is most probably wrong):
.woocommerce .term-description {
max-width: none !important;
When inspecting the element on my browser, this is what I see
I’ve tried to find that file, but with no luck…
I don’t know much about CSS, JS nor PHP, so if I can get some help beginners-level that would be much appreciated!
]]>EDIT: I’m using the Storefront theme. I would also like to have them not display on the category pages themselves. I suppose I can do that with CSS though.
]]>I need them to display below the category titles, on the main [ultimate-faqs] page.
I understand that most themes, including the default themes, do not show category descriptions by default (“The description is not prominent by default; however, some themes may show it.”), but I need to turn them on. How would I go about doing this?
I’ve searched online and can’t find an easy tutorial or instructions on how to turn category descriptions on for your plugin. Without descriptions, it means I can’t show any category information to users – only the FAQ content.
Any help would be much appreciated.
I’m using categories in my main menu. Anyway, when anyone clicks on the links (like Travel Destinations), they see this massive description I wrote for the category before they see the actual posts. What’s the best way to hide the description? I’m not very tech savvy, so don’t feel bad for explaining it like I’m 5 years old lol. Thanks for any help you can offer!
]]><?php echo category_description( $category_id ); ?>
However, it is not working for me. Does anyone have a solution for this? would really appreciate any help.
Thank you
]]>A simple question for you today…
Theme 2012
I am using Category Descriptions and need to be able to style them a bit better with CSS, just like Pages and Posts will be fine.
After some poking around, I found under the > Archives section in style.css these code lines below that pertain to the Category Description.
which obviously can be changed or added to, but I wondered if it’s possible to somehow use the global styles for Pages and Posts already in the stylesheet, to save me messing about as I cannot Css by default
So if the ‘.archive-header, .page-header and .archive-meta elements can be incorporated globally somehow?
How would I do that?
Can this be done, or will I need to style .archives separately under their own heading.
Thanks in advance.