i have been advised that i need to fill the “Category” column for the kogan feed before they can process , just wondering how can i add this, thanks
]]>1. When I go to the Category, category is only one column, how can i made it multiple columns 3 or 4?
2. Single Video post has header cover image from video, it seems its theme related that it is taken from themes’s page template, how can i change it to another for solving that heading problem
3. How can i hide author avatar and name?
]]>here’s a picture illustrating this:
Any help would be much appreciated.
Would there be a way to make it so that the column on a page shows only a specific type of post category?
So that, if I were to have two different categories posting two different things, updated links would appear on two different columns?
I know the code somehow uses this function:
<?php get_archives(‘postbypost’, 3); ?>
Im just not sure how to link it properly to the category.
Thank you!