How can we include the category base in the translation?
]]>We are rebuilding a website with a new theme (Avada) etc. as previous theme isn’t supported anymore and breaks on WP updates.
The site has a knowledge base, with 10 categories and +/- 150 articles..
The articles themselfs are fine, if you connect directly to the article url, you get to see the article.
But the overview page and the category pages are just blank.
No errors in console or in the server log.
I can’t use your plugin with WPML as it breaks the redirections from one language to the other.
See ticket on WPML support :
Actually, imho, the problem comes from the fact that your plugin removes the category base, which was not the case before.
As soon as I activate your plugin, the category base is removed.
If you made a modification to the plugin, could we get an option to keep the category base ?
]]>I have created a custom post corporates having industries as categories. My single page URL looks like follows:
Using this plugin I have made the name of the category dynamic. So instead of %industry-category% the category of the post gets printed.
Now the problem is if a post does not contain any category(industry). The %industry-category% gets printed in the URL. Which looks really bad and also not good for my SEO.
In this scenario, if a category is not available %industry-category% should not get printed.
]]>How do I remove category prefixes from new posts from appearing in search?
For example,
I want it to look like
I got rid of Yeost plugin and now use SEO Framework plugin as my SEO plugin.
Not sure how I would do it on the SEO Framework plugin or in wordpress? I googled it, but prefer to ask people here who might be able to help :slight_smile:
I’ve tried to search for some answers around this (relating to workarounds and WP in general, not just via your Plugin) before creating a new topic, and this was the most relevant ticket I found:
I know a certain Plugin has removed this feature once or twice, however it seems pretty stable for them over the last few years – and they have a massive install base…
Basically I was wondering if 2-3 years later your thoughts about this have changed?
Thanks for everything you both do.
]]>I had previously set category base to ‘.’ so the ‘category’ is excluded from URLs, but when I made the same change, I got 404 errors on some category pages (links are still working WITH ‘category’ in the URL) and some category pages were redirected to blog posts. I now put the ‘category’ back in my URLs as a temporary solution (otherwise my entire menu doesn’t function properly), but I would love to hear how to exclude ‘category’ from a multisite.
Example: = 404 error, but works (even when excluded ‘category’ in category base)
]]>This one works well, set redirects, and allows the removal of the tag taxonomy if you please. Tags seem to be pointless as well.
Please keep this one alive.
]]>I’ve changed the category url in the taxonomy-settings in yoast. So the category base isn’t shown in the url anymore. But this has no effect in the canonical url which is shown in the head section.
So the browser url is like this and the canonical is like this
Is there a setting I missed? Or do I have to set a canonical url at each category-setting?
Sorry, I can’t provide a working link the page is still under construction.
Kind regards Michael