Also bleibt nur eins deinstallieren und in die Tonne
Fehler: Die Konfigurationsdatei /var/www/wordpress__2/wp-content/wp-cache-config.php fehlt. Bitte laden Sie die Seite neu.
Das folgende empfohlene Plugin ist derzeit inaktiv: WP-PageNavi . Beginnen Sie mit der Aktivierung des Plugins | Ignoriere die Nachricht
Warnung! /var/www/wordpress__2/wp-config.php konnte nicht aktualisiert werden! WPCACHEHOME muss in der Konfigurationsdatei festgelegt werden.
Warnung! /var/www/wordpress__2/wp-content/advanced-ca
]]>Is there a way to fix this?
]]>Minimum Image size requirements: 500 x 500 px
Maximum width: 1320px
Maximum Height: 1080px
Resolution: 72dpi
We have 2300 images and I am going this alone so really don’t have the time to sit and replace them all one by one. Any help would be so greatly appreciated!
Thank you
It seems like the plugin had caused the issue for Elementor and therefore I cant use this plugin on my website.
]]>thank you for this nice plugin.It worked at product and category level for me.
The issue is when you send customers to a custom form (e.g.: Ninja form), you can’t catch product info and category.
Do you think this could be an intersting add on ? even billable?
Thank you a lot for your return
Kind Regards
I’ve now updated to the Alchemist Pro Theme (the newer themes take better advantage of the changes in html and css which have occurred since the release of earlier themes).
I am super happy with Alchemist Pro, and am in fact using it as a basis for a child theme for my website. I have therefore asked on the Catch Themes support forum for assistance with css changes so I can alter the appearance of the site to suit my precise requirements. The responses I received were both helpful and timely.
This contrasts with my experience with several other providers where the support was terrible or non-existent.
Catch Themes cares about its customers, full stop.
(Too often, other companies stop caring as soon as they have your money).
So yes I highly recommend Catch Themes in general, and I am also finding Alchemist Pro to be a great theme.
]]>and this is my httaccess file :
this is cloudflare setting for :
how i fix this ?
Thank you.