When I select certain categories, it will automatically select other categories even if it’s not in the parent/child relationship.
I believe this is to do with cat_id of the category. If I select a category with, for example, cat_id 15, it will automatically select cat_id 151, 1520 etc, any category brginning with the category id. I think this is because my client has changed/moved categories around over time, but it means they have to manually deselect cateogries when the original one is checked.
It doesnt matter if cat_id 15 is a child or parent category or not, it will select seeminly random categories elsewhere. Nothing I have tried can fix the issue.
Has anyone else had this issue? Any suggestions on a fix? It’s definitely an issue with the core plugin as I tried turning off everything else.
]]>Has a number of these folders with my client.
Because they exist?
Can I delete them?
Thank you
]]><?php $allCats = get_categories();
$blogCats = array();
$blogcat = get_cat_ID(get_option('15'));
foreach ($allCats as $category) {
if (in_subcat($blogcat, $category->cat_ID)) $blogCats[] = $category->cat_ID;
$args = array('category__not_in' => $blogCats,
'showposts' => get_option('portfolio_number'));
$i = 1;
if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
<?php include(TEMPLATEPATH . '/includes/gallery.php'); ?>
<?php $i++; endwhile; endif; wp_reset_query(); ?>
]]>I have a problem with my cat IDs….
I want to know if there is a possible reason why one category is showing before one and on the other post the order changes.
Here an example. In my foreach I get this for the first post
echo $current->cat_ID . ' ';
10 17
and in my other post I get this
echo $current->cat_ID . ' ';
18 16 10
If you check the first post get 10 then 17 but on the other, I get 18 16 then 10.
How is that possible?
EDIT #1 : Can I change the date of creation on the category?
]]><?php global $wp_query;
$cat_ID = get_query_var('cat');
//echo $cat_ID;
Just want to throw that variable into something like:
<?php get_cat_name($cat_ID) ?>
and get it to work.
For some reason, can’t get it to work, and can not find a solution in the codex.
]]>Outside (repeat OUTSIDE) the loop, and INSIDE a widget, I want to get the category ID number – simply and easily.
What I want to code will have the following structure and be used in a text widget –
if is_single() {
global $post
$cat = get_the_category[0]($post)
echo another_function($cat)
else if_category()
echo another_function(cat_ID)
All seems simple enough? Except the codex has NO answer that works. I’ve also spent hours scouring the forums (found plenty of threads asking a very similar question – all closed without answers or solutions).
Every supposed solution I have seen involves using a ” -> ” in the code somewhere, and when I try it OUTSIDE the loop and INSIDE a widget it gets read as being the closing tag to a ” <!– ” comment opener, and all the php after the -> then displays as text output in the widget zone.
(Server is PHP 5.2.6, MySQL 5, Apache 2.2, running WP 3.0.2 single site)
So, can anyone tell me how to obtain the category id as an integer to assign it to a variable to use within another function’s invocation?
]]>I would like a single ‘country main page’ template that recognises what country the page is and calls the appropriate posts.
if country-geography is posts category 9
cat_ID=9 and tag=malta, or tag=geography+malta should find the post required. I can put malta in a custom field on the page, but how can the php template convert the custom field variable into a category or tag to retrieve posts?
Thanks for any help!