Why I don’t want to use categories is, becaause I want to be able to add “Amsterdam” also to the “higher” tag “Capitals” (Together with Paris, London), and “The Hague” to the top-tag “Government seats” (again with Paris and London)
For this, if I tag a post “Amsterdam”, it should be automaically be tagged “Capitals”, and if I tag a post “The Hague”, it should pop-up in “Government seats” and in “The Netherlands”.
I think that another possiblility would be to “tag” categories. Eg. that categories can be appointed several tags, so then the “Amsterdam”-category would be tagged “Capitals” and “The Netherlands”
If I can make this work, I want to hide my category list from my side-bar, and show the hierachical tag list instead.
Does this make sense? See the blog https://climatesceptics.org for where it should be applied.
Does anyone have a tip for a plugin I can use?
]]>Cat2Tag is a Plugin using the build-in categories from WordPress in a taglike fashion, and since categories and tags are the same thing it is the best way to add tags to your WordPress installation.
Get it here: https://leflo.de/2006/02/15/cat2tag-patched/
]]>However, I’m having problems displaying the tag cloud as an inline cloud. Instead, the tags are displayed in a vertical list format. I figure it’s CSS related and could use some help with a solution.
I’m using the example CSS as given by the heat map plugin author seen at https://www.engadgeted.net/projects/wordpress-heat-map-plugin/
You can see the problem I’m experiencing on my site at feedmypsp.com/search
As always, thanks in advance for any help. It’s always appreciated.