hello i use rank math plugin for seo in wordpress website
some urls are case sensitive and show 404 error how to make all urls same ?
example now my website shows 404 error when user access
but when https://mywebsite.com/homepage1
its work
]]>I use the free version and can’t find the option to change all media to lower case.
Is it actually possible?
]]>Despite my attempts to explain this to my client, she remains convinced that I have infringed upon her copyright. I believe that since we used open source themes and plugins, there shouldn’t be any copyright violation.
I’m seeking advice on how to handle this situation. Are there any specific legal considerations I should be aware of when using open source resources in website development? How can I effectively communicate this to my client and potentially resolve the issue?
Even she is claiming she has the copyright of the code which she took from our country’s copyright office, which is breeching of opensource copyright. Sadly she and our country’s copyright office, none of them are aware of how open source works. Now what’d I do?
Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your help.
I have the link to both sites, both of them are online, so anyone can check. Not sharing now, will provide if needed.
Translation in English:
I need to develop a platform where live broadcasts can be made with prior payment. These live must be 30 minutes maximum. All the people (professionals) who are available must appear, that is, those who have their camera open and each person (professional) must say their price. There will be a theme and plugin that will help me to do this development, could you guide me. Thank you
So, I need to add a class to all my images that I show in my web. I see other answers and they say that I should add a piece of code in my theme but I dont know what I should add for my specific case.
]]>Is it possible to do this with your plugin?
eg: [ifurlparam param=”category” is not “All” default=”All”]
<h5>Here are the featured listings we found for: [urlparam param=”category”/] </h5>
[gravityview id=’448′]
Any help will be greatly appreciated!
]]>Ordinarily, I would give this 3 stars, since I wasn’t able to actually use this plugin. However, I gave it only 2 stars for the deception.