For example, if we enter the username “hopscotch“, will it recognize any variations of it (e.g., “Hopscotch“, “HOPScotch“, etc.)?
Following your answer, can you kindly update your documentation to clarify the above?
Thank you!
]]>It came back after the latest update.
]]>My server memory settings are very high, and I don’t think that’s the problem here.
What could have happened? I love this plugin and it has never given me any problems before.
]]>But this search gave the right results
It should not make a lot of differences. lower case or upper case search entries. What is going wrong here?
]]>Since the update, the plugin started creating case sensitive urls: |
each for a different post but always gets directed to the nore (lower case).
]]>Also, feature suggestion, would be nice to include wildcard on such usernames, such as “admin*” would block “administrator” “admin1” etc.
]]>we are using 5.1.3 and are having the following problem:
A redirect where “Ignore Case” is enabled and the mode is set to “Ignore & pass parameters to the target” will convert the query string to lower case before adding it to the new URL.
This is a problem because we use case sensitive query parameters.
Thanks for your help!
Thorsten Weber
]]>(links.url LIKE “%’. $s_link_url .’%”)
Some sites I’ve seen have upwards of 80,000 links. If say a broken URL contains “Halloween” but the person searches for “halloween”, the URL won’t be returned by the search.
This would make a nice simple improvement to the usability of the search feature.