Until I go back to a previous page, I “change my mind” and click to buy a different product. I have checked the option to clear my cart every time.
So I click to buy a different product, I am redirected to the ordering page as I should be, but the ordered product does not change.
In other word: I have 3 products: A, B and C.
I first click to order A. Works fine. But then customer changes their mind, goes back to the page when they can choose B. Click to buy B. The cart should be cleared of A and have B added. That doesnt happen though, A is still in the cart, B is not added.
SOMETIMES it works, but only once in a row. And usually only when I first order the cheapest one, and then “change my mind” and go with the mid-tier. But when I try to change my mind again, it never works.
Other plugins I use: Akismet Anti-Spam, Code Snippets, Elementor, Forminator (not really used at the moment), LiteSpeed Cache (I tried disabling cashe in cart link campaigns, it did nothing), PixelYourSite, P?ac? z PayU, WooCommerce, WooCommerce Stripe Gateway
EDIT: I just tried to not cache the orders page (https://sklep.milosztrochowski.pl/zamowienie/) in litespeed settings. I was able to then “change my mind” twice, but the third time it failed to update the cart again.
]]>I’m trying to change my cart page on a website and change the positioning of all elements. So far I’ve achieved the layout I want, but my cart is not updating when I change the amount of goods. It’s always “disabled”.
Could you please help me to find a mistake?
Website: https://trifo-rus.ru/cart/
Screenshot: https://joxi.ru/bmo14LRF369eDA
Code example:
<div id="custom_style_cart">
<div class="remove_item_custom">
echo apply_filters( // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
'<a href="%s" class="remove" aria-label="%s" data-product_id="%s" data-product_sku="%s">×</a>',
esc_url( wc_get_cart_remove_url( $cart_item_key ) ),
esc_html__( 'Remove this item', 'woocommerce' ),
esc_attr( $product_id ),
esc_attr( $_product->get_sku() )
<div class="image_product_custom">
$thumbnail = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_cart_item_thumbnail', $_product->get_image(), $cart_item, $cart_item_key );
if ( ! $product_permalink ) {
echo $thumbnail; // PHPCS: XSS ok.
} else {
printf( '<a href="%s">%s</a>', esc_url( $product_permalink ), $thumbnail ); // PHPCS: XSS ok.
<div class="productinfo_custom">
<!-- Тип товара -->
<p class="productinfo_headertxt_custom" data-title="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Product', 'woocommerce' ); ?>">
<span class="productinfo_headertxt_custom type_cst">Тип товара:</span>
<!-- Product Size Section -->
if ( ! $product_permalink ) {
echo wp_kses_post( apply_filters( 'woocommerce_cart_item_name', $_product->get_name(), $cart_item, $cart_item_key ) . ' ' );
} else {
echo wp_kses_post( apply_filters( 'woocommerce_cart_item_name', sprintf( '<a href="%s">%s</a>', esc_url( $product_permalink ), $_product->get_name() ), $cart_item, $cart_item_key ) );
do_action( 'woocommerce_after_cart_item_name', $cart_item, $cart_item_key );
// Meta data.
echo wc_get_formatted_cart_item_data( $cart_item ); // PHPCS: XSS ok.
// Backorder notification.
if ( $_product->backorders_require_notification() && $_product->is_on_backorder( $cart_item['quantity'] ) ) {
echo wp_kses_post( apply_filters( 'woocommerce_cart_item_backorder_notification', '<p class="backorder_notification">' . esc_html__( 'Available on backorder', 'woocommerce' ) . '</p>', $product_id ) );
<!-- //Product Size Section -->
<!-- Цена -->
<span class="productinfo_headertxt_custom" data-title="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Price', 'woocommerce' ); ?>">Цена:</span>
<span class="productinfo_data"><?php echo apply_filters( 'woocommerce_cart_item_price', WC()->cart->get_product_price( $_product ), $cart_item, $cart_item_key ); // PHPCS: XSS ok.?></span>
<!-- Количество: -->
<p class="product-quantity" data-title="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Quantity', 'woocommerce' ); ?>">
if ( $_product->is_sold_individually() ) {
$product_quantity = sprintf( '1 <input type="hidden" name="cart[%s][qty]" value="1" />', $cart_item_key );
} else {
$product_quantity = woocommerce_quantity_input(
'input_name' => "cart[{$cart_item_key}][qty]",
'input_value' => $cart_item['quantity'],
'max_value' => $_product->get_max_purchase_quantity(),
'min_value' => '0',
'product_name' => $_product->get_name(),
echo apply_filters( 'woocommerce_cart_item_quantity', $product_quantity, $cart_item_key, $cart_item ); // PHPCS: XSS ok.
<span> <br/> <button type="submit" class="button" name="update_cart" value="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Update cart', 'woocommerce' ); ?>"><?php esc_html_e( 'Update cart', 'woocommerce' ); ?></button> </span>
<!-- Итого -->
<span class="productinfo_headertxt_custom productinfo_data product-subtotal" data-title="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Total', 'woocommerce' ); ?>">Итого:
echo apply_filters( 'woocommerce_cart_item_subtotal', WC()->cart->get_product_subtotal( $_product, $cart_item['quantity'] ), $cart_item, $cart_item_key ); // PHPCS: XSS ok.
Thank you in advance!
]]>Maximum quantity should of “”
This happens whether the maximum quantity is reached or not. Even for products that I am not wanting to set a min or max for.
So I need to be able to change cart quantity without error.
]]>Our cart in didn’t automatic update the item quantity and price, when i add a products to cart. I have to update or go to a new page before it update it. How can we get a automatic update of the cart when a product is been added to the cart?
]]>The issue is with this file which you are using under woocommerce > global > quantity-input.php, which is reported as error by woocomerce and the fix you have posted on the forum to just change the version number does not work.
Pls inform what the fix, the theme at present is pretty useless if the shopping cart is not working in a store theme.
and i dont like the incorrect & unprofessional solution provided by the support in the forum. https://accesspressthemes.com/support/topic/woocommerce-version-3-2-3/
]]>For the past few days I have been trying to find out why my cart doesn’t show empty after a purchcase is made. With just Woocommerce and this plugin active, the cart keeps it’s contents. Deactivating this plugin, and the cart works as it should.
Could you tell me why this is? Is there a fix for this?
Thank you.
I am using the latest version of Woocommerce – 3.1.2
and X Theme.