Example : homepage in english : post appears in the caroussel in english although it exists in english
The categories used to query the post in the caroussel are also well tranlated in 3 languages.
]]>Requirements for my website:
1) a header with website title in big, below in smaller characters a subtitle, and possibly a picture although the picture is not strictly necessary
2) header menu with 1 or 2 levels of submenu’s
3) photo gallery or caroussel possible on static pages
4) footer with a portion of text and, if possible, social media icons linking to my Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc
5) the menu should allow for having only certain pages included in the menu, while other pages are “hidden” but linked to at some place in the website
6) being able to see when was the last time that a certain static page was edited/saved
7) a theme without specific particuliarities, so that if I would like to change to a different theme in the more distant future, none of my posts and pages (including text and photos) and menu’s would be lost or displayed incorrectly. In other words, changing to another theme later should be easy.
Those were the necessarities, a few other things that are option (so bonus if a certain theme allows it on top of the “must haves”):
1) 3 to 6 photos on the frontpage with some small text below, where clicking on the photo leads to a certain page from the main menu
2) possibility to choose between 1 or 2 columns (so that it becomes possible to have a page with a photo on the left and text to the right of it, or vice versa)
3) post-per-email function for the blog, as WordPress.com has it
These are not necessary, but bonus points for a theme that allows it.
I have taken a WordPress course, and there we worked with themes such as Twenty-Fourteen, Accelerate, Twenty-Seventeen, … although our teacher advises against Twenty-Fourteen as it’s quite old.
Thanks for recommendations!
]]>I want to show a carroussel only brands with the same parent, for example all the brands with “beer” as parent.
Is it possible to do so with a shortcode or do i have to add custom code?
Thanks in advance
]]>Here you already explained how the height is calculated:
Nevertheless – that leads to a changing height.
Wouldn’t it be possible to add the option to set a min-height in pixel of the posts?
Thanks, Joerg
]]>Is it possible to use Slider Revolution for latest posts events?
I’ve tried to search for some tutorials online, but I can not really figured out how to get it work.
If possible I would like to create a carousel with 3 posts in each slide, looking something like this layout: https://imgur.com/ISfqhga
Best regards,
Due to the summer break we have a period without events. Is there a way to get an automated message on an empty list like display_posts has (display_posts_shortcode_no_results)? Maybe also something to include in wpt_productions and caroussel.
Grtz Epco
]]>Boot Store is a great theme, I really like it.
I just have a question : I want the caroussel to appear on large cellphones, like 480px width or so, but even if I change the max width (from 767px to 480px) in inc/custom-header.php, nothing change !
ANd I really want my customers (well, runners) to see, even on the large phones we have, all the things we made for them (on carroussel) before all the side-features (where to sleep, what else to see…)
Can somebody help me on that ? Website is supposed to run on 22 april (no, no, you guys are not under my pressure !)
Anyway thanks a lot for the job you did… and for the answer you will certainly do.
(Btw, excuse my english)