просто выводится шорткод типа [caption] подпись
это только при случае, если пишем с классического редактора
]]>In desperation When I try to html the shortcode class trough text editor and publish it works, but as soon as I switch to the visual editor it strips the html and leaves just the image.
Please advise
]]>Im currently using the image caption shortcode and the text is outputted in a <p> tag. Is there and hook or function I can use to change from a p tag to a div?
The reason is I want to add html that would not work inside a p such as h2 etc.
]]>I did find this code provided by Justin Tadlock that I believe is supposed to be added to wp-includes/media.php, but he doesn’t say this, so I’m not sure. If it turns out I need to do this it may mean that for captions alone I might need to use a child theme which seems totally crazy to me.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
]]>Return of the Housecall video … how can I make the shortcode execute?
]]>On the page I’m editing, in the image panel, I put the text I want into the Caption field, and it looks like this in HTML view:
<img class="size-medium wp-image-13" alt="image" src="https://localhost/wordpress4/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/3whTg-300x300.jpg" width="300" height="300" /> Super Descriptive Caption Text!
Problem is, this does not get output as a caption on the page. It just shows up as text, not wrapped in any kind of paragraph tags or anything. After doing some reading, I found a workaround, which involves changing things around manually like this –
<img class="size-medium wp-image-13" alt="image" src="https://localhost/wordpress4/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/3whTg-300x300.jpg" width="300" height="300" />
And then it will show correctly.
But every time I swap back from HTML view to Visual view, it puts the caption text back where it put it in the first place, and it goes back to being broken. Yet, if I switch to the 2012 theme, the captions work.
I put a test page up so you can see what I’m talking about without digging through a lot of content: https://mdpmco.com/glamoursmiles/testpage/
The caption next to the picture of the dog (“This is a dog”) is just text.
Is this a problem with the way the theme handles the caption shortcode output? It doesn’t seem to recognize the <image>Content of Caption Field
format that WordPress is using.
]]>I tried these codes:
When I update the page, the codes get changed to this:
<div class=”mceTemp”><dl id=”” class=”wp-caption alignleft” style=”width: 170px;”><dt class=”wp-caption-dt”><img title=”Gaye Holud” src=”https://www.mcat-prep-test.com/photo-gallery/gaye-holud.jpg” alt=”Gaye Holud” width=”160″ height=”80″ /></dt><dd class=”wp-caption-dd”></dd></dl></div>