I use my product titles in [My Title] format with the first letter of each word capitalized.
But I do frequent imports, and the product titles in the CSV file I’m importing are in UPPERCASE.
Thus, the title is already saved in the database in UPPERCASE and this prevents me from using CSS to leave the title in the format I want, since the “capitalize” feature of CSS does not work in uppercase words.
For this reason, I need that when importing new products, the titles are saved on database with all letters in lowercase,
this way I can use the “capitalize” feature
How can I do this via Functions, without plugin?
Obs.: I know that I can try to do this in the spreadsheet before importing, but if it were possible to do it automatically when importing, that would be great, as it is one less thing to worry about.
]]>despite your example the font is capitalized in the login popup and wp-admin page. In details the class .social-login-btn.btn enforces with !important to capitalize the text. Where and how would you change this best? I want to avoid a list of !important css fighting against each other.
]]>Thanks in advance
.ff-el-form-control {
text-transform: uppercase;
I have already tried this script but still not working
function capitalize() {
var $input = $form.find('.ff-name-field-wrapper').find('input');
$input.on('blur', function() {
var string = $(this).val();
if(string) {
string = toUpperCase();
]]>I would like to capitalize the first letter of each word in the product titles. I have tried to add the customised CSS below but it did not work:
.shop_product_title {
text-transform: capitalize;
Could you please suggest solutions for this?
Thank you very much.
]]>I want my primary, header menu font to be capitalized and black. Anyone know how? I have tried so many CSSs and none work.
I have successfully changed it’s font style and font size using the below so assuming it needs to start with “.menu-item” but everything I’ve tried has not worked.
.menu-item a {font-size: 18px!important;}
.menu-item a {font-family: ‘PlayFair’;}
My site is not yet live to share.
Thanks so much!
I want my primary, header menu font to be capitalized and black. Anyone know how? I have tried so many CSSs and none work.
I have successfully changed it’s font style and font size using the below so assuming it needs to start with “.menu-item” but everything I’ve tried has not worked.
.menu-item a {font-size: 18px!important;}
.menu-item a {font-family: ‘PlayFair;}
My site is not yet live to share.
Thanks so much!
In my homepage I have chosen the option “show latest posts”. My problem is that titles of those posts (displayed on the featured image) are capitalised. I want to remove this capitalisation and actually do not want any kind of text transformation.
I have tried everything I have found in the internet, basically adding ” text-transform: none ” to different classes in the Theme Editor as well as in custom CSS in the Elementor “customize” menu. I have also tried setting text transform to none in all “typography” menus, to no avail.
Could you help me?
To make it clear, I just want the title to be displayed as is, so if I wrote:
“This is the title of my post” I want it to be displayed like that, and not “This Is The Title Of My Post”.
Thank you!
]]>I already capitalized on manually editing the post title on the homepage and few posts.
But there are a lot of titles that I need to capitalize its the first letter in the sentence.
So it is a pleasure to know how to capitalize on the first letter in every word in the title?