I know absolutely nothing about coding or wordpress. Site was built for me by someone long gone. My website is www.aesconsult.com
Any help with this issue would be much appreciated.
]]>HOW do I change back to black so I can see what I’m editing – this is a new issue – If I click and highlight the text, it’s there (it changes color)
What can I do to resolve this issue? Cat see text while editing
]]>In the Visual Text Editor I cannot see the text. It is white, so highlighting it shows up. The HTML button is not working. I have done the following:
1. I made sure my admin privileges allow for the Visual Text Editor
2. I have uploaded and installed new WP-Admin and WP-Includes folders
3. I have added define(‘CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS’, false); to the WP-config.php file (this worked on one blog, but not the one I’m struggling through now)
4. I have reset the theme to Twenty-Eleven
5. I have de-activated all plug-ins
Nothing has solved the problem so far. I am running WP 3.2.1. Hosting is at www.netfirms.com. And I am NOT a coder. LOL
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
]]>also – i can’t switch to html from visual – are these related issues?