This Screen from affiliate user; he have %3+5+5 commission rate.
Product Price: 799 include %20 vat.
This photo from woo orders;
A customer placed 2 orders. One order was subsequently returned. The transaction returned to the partner account was reflected as the third commission fee.
This Screen from other affiliate user; he have %3 commission rate.
Product Price: 799 include %20 vat.
Product Price: 665,83 exclude %20 vat.
Calculated Commission: 15,98
I don’t understand how the plugin did the calculations?
Can you suggest an example setting for my commission rate?
What I want; I want to pay $3 commission for a $100 sale including taxes.
]]>I’ve set my points to 20 € = 1 point, but it does not calculate it correctly.
Every article/product above 9,00 euro gets a point. What am i doing wrong?
]]>I’m sure you can help because I’m a helpless newbie …
I have several calculated fields with simple equations (e.g. multiplication, generating random numbers, etc.) put into the the “Set equation” Box. I’m using a button (calculation option) and everything works perfectly fine. Is it possible to only calculate specific fields when I hit my button and keep the other fields just like they are?
I tried out the options provided in this forum, for example:
jQuery(‘[id=”fieldname_”] :input’).val(”)
and also the “ignorefield” via CSS but it either sets a value, clears it (which is already good because I also need that) or lets the field dissapear. I also tried something like caluculate, execute, etc. but ultemately I’m clueless (blush).
Important note: I need to display my fields all the time, I do not want to have the option to dynamically execute the equations (since I only need specific fields) and finally it would be great to keep my equations in the box instead of putting it into the jQuery code (I saw something with function () ..)
Kind regards,
I’m sure you can help because I’m a helpless newbie …
I have several calculated fields with simple equations (e.g. multiplication, generating random numbers, etc.) put into the the “Set equation” Box. I’m using a button (calculation option) and everything works perfectly fine. Is it possible to only calculate specific fields when I hit my button and keep the other fields just like they are?
I tried out the options provided in this forum, for example:
jQuery(‘[id=”fieldname_”] :input’).val(”)
and also the “ignorefield” via CSS but it either sets a value, clears it (which is already good because I also need that) or lets the field dissapear. I also tried something like caluculate, execute, etc. but ultemately I’m clueless (blush).
Important note: I need to display my fields all the time, I do not want to have the option to dynamically execute the equations (since I only need specific fields) and finally it would be great to keep my equations in the box instead of putting it into the jQuery code (I saw something with function () ..)
In other words, when “val” is refreshing or setting a specific value, what is the command for calculate?
Kind regards,
Additionally I have these issues:
Right now it looks like:
Earnings = (product price * commission rate) + shipping fees + tax
and this is how we need it to be:
Earnings = ((product price + tax) * commission rate) + shipping fees
In Numbers it is:
Earnings (16,56) = (12,18€ * 0.8) + 4,50€ + 2,32€ for the first example and
Earnings (16,10) = (12,18€ + 2,32€) * 0.8) + 4,50€ for the second example…
Taxes are 19% of the product price and we take 20% Admin Commissions (for info)
We definetly need to get to the 16,10€ for that product case, otherwise we will lose money, we would be extremely happy to receive your help regarding that problem. We changed everything in the settings (Shipping Fee Recipient, Tax Fee Recipient, Option for entering the product price with and without the taxes) so we eventually get to the 16,10€ but no combination works.
Looking forward for your reply! Thanks!
The shipping costs are based on:
Box size 1: max: 100x50x50 cm and 10 kg : €6,95.
Box size 2: max: 176x78x58 cm and 23 kg : €13,20.
The size of a product is: 47x47x17 cm and 1 kg.
The shipping costs for 1 of this product will be €6,95, because is it will fit in the 100x50x50 cm box.
But when you want 2 of these products Woocommerce will calculate 2x: 47x47x17 = 94x94x34 cm, this will not fix any box and so no shipping option will be displayed…
Woocommerce will not calculate that a couple of these products will fit in 1 box.
How do I make Woocommerce see/calculate this?
Is there a plugin, maybe, that calculates how many products will fit in a 1 box, of which I put in the measurements somewhere?
maxDate: '+0d',
yearRange: '1920:2010',
changeMonth: true,
changeYear: true,
onSelect: function(value, ui) {
var today = new Date(),
dob = new Date(value),
Lage = new Date("2014-04-30"),
age = new Date(Lage - dob).getFullYear() - 1970;
Also tried a few others I found, but none work.
Any tips on how to accomplish this?