I’ve been having issues with my site not loading and I can’t seem to pinpoint the issue.
I want to say it has something to do with my SSL certificate / hosting / domain, but can’t say forsure.
Pls help.
]]>Whats the solution?
after a quick refresh everything is back to normal. Any idea what is going on? and how to fix this?
]]>Cache stats last generated: 8,800 minutes ago.
WP-Cache (0KB)
0 Cached Pages
0 Expired Pages
WP-Super-Cache (0KB)
0 Cached Pages
0 Expired Pages
For the past month I have had issues with sign-up forms and embeds (created through the Hustle plugin).
Previously a homepage embed would only show on desktop sites and not mobile. Now it is not showing on either. There is also a similar problem with a sign-up popup which sometimes shows and sometimes doesn’t.
After communications with Hustle support and my theme support (Kadence) they have both said it is down to a caching problem and have instructed me to completely remove w3 Total Cache to see if it remedies the situation.
This also includes removing caching and other files from my File Manager – I was advised to check with you about this and if you could shed any light on the overall situation.
Thanks in advance.
]]>The moment I activate the WP super cache plugin, my forms (made with Ultimate Form Builder) are not working anymore. The moment you click on the submit button, nothing happes. Not an error, nothing. The moment I deactive the plugin, the forms are working again.
thanks for helping me out
]]>I was really surprised to see this, as I was nowhere NEAR that number of directories a month or so ago the last time I checked. I went into my File Manager and discovered that I had THOUSANDS of new directories created that are all either totally empty or have 1 file in them and that are all along the lines of:
1 : /home1/toyrevie/public_html/halotoynews/wp-content/endurance-page-cache/2012/06/25/halo-micro-ops-series-1-falcon-high-ground-bunker-official-photos
1 : /home1/toyrevie/public_html/halotoynews/wp-content/endurance-page-cache/2012/06/24/halo-micro-ops-series-1-smalled-carded-sets-official-photos-2012
1 : /home1/toyrevie/public_html/halotoynews/wp-content/endurance-page-cache/2012/06/24/halo-micro-ops-series-1-high-ground-gate-mcfarlane-official-photos/embed
1 : /home1/toyrevie/public_html/halotoynews/wp-content/endurance-page-cache/2012/06/24/halo-micro-ops-series-1-high-ground-gate-mcfarlane-official-photos
1 : /home1/toyrevie/public_html/halotoynews/wp-content/endurance-page-cache/2012/06/22/halo-mega-bloks-warthog-resistance-set-fully-revealed
1 : /home1/toyrevie/public_html/halotoynews/wp-content/endurance-page-cache/2012/06/19/tons-halo-mega-bloks-news-facebook-qa
0 : /home1/toyrevie/public_html/halotoynews/wp-content/endurance-page-cache/category
0 : /home1/toyrevie/public_html/halotoynews/wp-content/endurance-page-cache/2016/08/27
0 : /home1/toyrevie/public_html/halotoynews/wp-content/endurance-page-cache/2016/08
0 : /home1/toyrevie/public_html/halotoynews/wp-content/endurance-page-cache/2016/07/17
0 : /home1/toyrevie/public_html/halotoynews/wp-content/endurance-page-cache/2016/07/06
0 : /home1/toyrevie/public_html/halotoynews/wp-content/endurance-page-cache/2016/07/05
0 : /home1/toyrevie/public_html/halotoynews/wp-content/endurance-page-cache/2016/07/02
0 : /home1/toyrevie/public_html/halotoynews/wp-content/endurance-page-cache/2016/07
0 : /home1/toyrevie/public_html/halotoynews/wp-content/endurance-page-cache/2016/06/24
0 : /home1/toyrevie/public_html/halotoynews/wp-content/endurance-page-cache/2016/06/23
0 : /home1/toyrevie/public_html/halotoynews/wp-content/endurance-page-cache/2016/06/16
0 : /home1/toyrevie/public_html/halotoynews/wp-content/endurance-page-cache/2016/06/12
0 : /home1/toyrevie/public_html/halotoynews/wp-content/endurance-page-cache/2016/06/11
0 : /home1/toyrevie/public_html/halotoynews/wp-content/endurance-page-cache/2016/06/10
0 : /home1/toyrevie/public_html/halotoynews/wp-content/endurance-page-cache/2016/06/09
0 : /home1/toyrevie/public_html/halotoynews/wp-content/endurance-page-cache/2016/06/08
0 : /home1/toyrevie/public_html/halotoynews/wp-content/endurance-page-cache/2016/04/29
0 : /home1/toyrevie/public_html/halotoynews/wp-content/endurance-page-cache/2016/04/03
0 : /home1/toyrevie/public_html/halotoynews/wp-content/endurance-page-cache/2016/03/22
0 : /home1/toyrevie/public_html/halotoynews/wp-content/endurance-page-cache/2016/03/17
0 : /home1/toyrevie/public_html/halotoynews/wp-content/endurance-page-cache/2016/03/11
0 : /home1/toyrevie/public_html/halotoynews/wp-content/endurance-page-cache/2016/02/15
0 : /home1/toyrevie/public_html/halotoynews/wp-content/endurance-page-cache/2016/02/12
0 : /home1/toyrevie/public_html/halotoynews/wp-content/endurance-page-cache/2016/01/20
0 : /home1/toyrevie/public_html/halotoynews/wp-content/endurance-page-cache/2016/01/16
0 : /home1/toyrevie/public_html/halotoynews/wp-content/endurance-page-cache/2016/01/14
0 : /home1/toyrevie/public_html/halotoynews/wp-content/endurance-page-cache/2016"
These example directories are all from halotoynews.com, but this problem is recurring across several of my other domains as well and I have no idea why. I don’t even have a caching plugin! I’ve never seen this Endurance-Page-Cache thing before and I have no idea what to do with it or how to delete these weird directories.
Does anyone know what “Endurance-Page-Cache” is and how to disable it?
]]>I’m having problems with the data being cached. I’ve tried with Super Cache and now W3 total cache, both same problem and couldn’t find anything helpful in those plugins docs.
Just wondering if you’d have any tips on prevent you plugin from caching.