I use Quote plugin and it works well until I use Litespeed cache plugin.
How can I get it to work. At the moment I just disabled cache plugin but it can’t stay this way.
Best regards,
I have a question:
When I’m not logged in, the page loading time is quite fast. This is likely because the pages are preloaded and already cached.
However, when I’m logged in, the loading time is too slow. When I enable the “Serve cached pages to logged-in users” setting, the wrong icon appears in the header.
The “Anmelden / Registrieren” icon should be hidden, and the “Mein Konto” icon should appear when the user is logged in. However, the “Anmelden / Registrieren” icon remains when the user is logged in, meaning the old cache is being loaded on header. The conditional logic is not working.
How can I prevent this issue so that I can enable “Serve cached pages to logged-in users” to keep the loading time fast while still ensuring the icon in the header changes correctly?
Best regards,
I’m having an issue with the “Tiered Price Table for WooCommerce” plugin on my product pages.
An example of the problem: My product has 50 gram, 100 gram and 250 gram variants. If I click on the variants, the price table disappears completely. However, this does not happen with all products, only with some products and every day this problem occurs with other products.
If I empty the cache completely, the problem disappears until a certain time. Most likely the problem always appears after 24 hours (my guess) and then I have to manually clear the cache again myself so that the problem disappears. As mentioned before, the problem still reappears after a few hours.
I also wrote the Tiered Price Table for WooCommerce plugin support.
The answer of the Plugin-Support of “Tiered Price Table for WooCommerce”:
Have anyone an idea and help me?
]]>I have noticed that when changing the product picture on an item and reusing the name, the picture is not updated in the WooCommerce Android app. I have tried clearing the cache on the WooCommerce site and regenerating thumbnails. On the phone, I have also deleted the cache. However, the picture of the item in the Android app is still the old one. Where is that picture fetched from?
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### wpforms ###
lite: Januar 4, 2022 um 10:33 am?Uhr
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]]>Is there anyone facing the same problem with Learndash & WP Fastest Cache?
]]>Deactivating your plugin solves the issue and accepts theme functions filters to modify even the first get call and therefor returns the correct data even when cached
Has anyone encountered a similar problem?
]]>sometimes I have the issue that cached sites cause issues. So e.g. the …/wp-admin site references to another site (like a redirect). It doesn’t happen often, but the problem is solved after deleting the Google Chrome browser cache. A cache plug-in other than Autoptimize is not in use.
Do you have a tip to avoid this behaviour?
Thanks in advance,