I have a query? Can anybody had a similar experience too?
At my cart page, if I try to buy directly without going to checkout it shows me wrong price. My product price is 49 but it shows 0.49.
Any idea to fix it?
]]>Many thanks.
]]>I’ve been asked to make the apple pay/buy now button to appear BELOW the add to cart button on the product page as we don’t want visitors to leave the shop too soon.
I’m not an expert but in our tiny business, I am all we have got so please keep it simple lol!
]]>is it possible to keep add to cart button as well as to make buy now button besides to this so that customer can use both the options
any help from your side will be appreciated
thanking you
]]>Can someone help me please!? THANK YOU!!!!!
]]>I just installed wordpress and woocommerce 2 days ago, and so far everything has been going smoothly and nicely. I’m very happy about it.
Now I do have a little thing that can’t fix, and I don’t want to leave it as is, because it looks stupid.
When i go on the Shop page, and all products are displayed in grid view, the “buy now” (In den Warenkorb (german)) buttons under each product are not aligned with each other. That’s because for some products my title is just one row, and some other products have a longer name, which is then displayed in two rows. How can I change this? To make all the buttons look aligned and not so jumpy??
here’s a screenshot
THanks a lot in advance for any help
The theme is TwentyTen and I am using a blank template for this page (it is a page to sell a product).
The code I got from PayPal is:
<form action=”https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr” method=”post”><input type=”image” name=”submit” src=”https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_buynow_LG.gif” alt=”PayPal – The safer, easier way to pay online!” />
<img src=”https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/scr/pixel.gif” alt=”” width=”1″ height=”1″ border=”0″ /></form>
Any help to center the buttons will be appreciated.
]]>Im trying to “sell” one-time access to a page withing my wordpress installation. What I mean is, you pay with a button, and you get access one time only to a certain page. The only way for someone (who has already paid) to access again, would be to buy again.
This page must be unaccessable for anyone who hasn′t paid (I havent been able to accomplish this with paypal, no idea why).
Im willing to pay a tiny amount if someone comes up with a plugin or two. If you take donations, be certain to get mine. I dont have money, but i′m desperate, =P.
Maybe theres already a plugin im missing???
Thanks on advanced =) good luck.