Buttons appeared… but at the wrong place. Next after the login form (above billing address).
]]>Image of what it looks like: https://i.imgur.com/H6NSYFq.png
]]>We have just updated all our clients to 4.6.1 due to a major hack that was done to wordpress. We had a client call in saying they are now having some issues with the Image Regeneration & Crop plugin.
Before- they could click the “Feature Image” upload and when the image was loaded in the box, the Options/Detail and Regeneration buttons would appear.
Now- After uploading the “Feature Image” there is no Options/Details and Regeneration button. They have to save the post first. Then the buttons appear.
This is getting our client frustrated to have to do this additional step. Is there any way this could be fixed?
]]>The buttons are only visible to administrator and not to visitors.
How can I resolve this?
Please let me know.
]]>I’ve tried de-activating the other plugins and I’ve added this to my custom styles:
.woocommerce-page .product_meta{
no luck.
Any ideas?
]]>1. I have variation product, and I have installed your plugins. So on the simple product Quick Buy (my Buy Now)button work correctly. Also all the other buttons (Add to cart etc.) display correctly.
Link: https://shonaa.com/store_closed/shop/dresses/laguna-dress/
BUT: On the variable products, (Add to cart)button is not showing, when I click buy now button I get an error “Size is a required field”. Even when I select size, error continues (“Size” is a required field), and add to cart or continue shopping button are not showing.
Link: https://shonaa.com/store_closed/shop/dresses/dv-dress/
My setting are the same as on your screenshot:
Could you please help me so find out what is wrong, and how can I fix that?
Thank you in advance.
Kind regards,
]]>The post they aren’t appearing in is at: https://progressivewriters.com/social-media-effective-business (you can see they appear in all other posts on site).
]]>I integrated SSBA via shortcode into my homepage to get share buttons on each post.
But it only outputs:
<!-- Simple Share Buttons Adder (6.0.5) simplesharebuttons.com --><div class="ssba ssba-wrap"><div style="text-align:"></div></div>
So no share buttons are showing up. Am I missing something?
My PHP code is:
<?php echo do_shortcode("[ssba]"); ?>
The site: https://www.ubergadgets.de