A moderator got involved and told me “do not bump”. I’m new to this forum and I had not encountered that term before.
Now I have additional information about my original (unresolved) issue, but I’m afraid to add another reply to my post! I have not heard from anyone other than the first response with the 8 points, and the moderator’s admonition.
What do you recommend I do?
]]>I’m using AdRotate free version 3.13.1 and my ads are bumping up and down on mobile devices (website klazienaveen24.nl). In earlier versions i could do some settings and the bumping was over until i got an update of AdRotate. In the latest version this does not seem to work anymore. (I do not use responsive ads)
Can you please tell me what i can do?
The things i changed (and now do not work anymore) are:
Solution to Problem #1:
In “\adrotate\library\jquery.adrotate.dyngroup.js”
Original code:
Line 37: for(n = 1; n < length; n++)
Corrected code:
Line 37: for(n = 1; n <= length; n++)
Temporary solution to Problem #2:
Add .g > div{display:none;} To hide all of the banners on load. The JS will take over once it runs.
In “\adrotate\library\jquery.adrotate.dyngroup.js”
Original Code:
Line 54: $cont.find(“.c-” + index).fadeOut(300);
Adjusted Code:
Line 54: $cont.find(“.c-” + index).fadeOut(0);
Thanks in advance
]]><?php wowslider(7); ?>
(image slider) and<?php wp_nav_menu( array( 'theme_location' => 'primary' ) ); ?>
(main menu)Problem concerns wrong site displaying under IE8 – missing like buttons, search buttons etc.
Code is almost raw, in header.php I’ve just moved slider function few lines above and in CSS files I’ve changed margins for search attribute.
Here’s my header.php
CSS file
Any idea how to make it work?
Chrome works perfect.
]]>[ Moderator Note: Please post code or markup snippets between backticks or use the code button. ]
<?php if (is_page(1639) || $post->post_parent=="1639"): ?>
<?php get_template_part( 'loop', 'about' ); ?>
Thanks in advance
[ Please do not bump, that’s not permitted here. ]
]]>I often see topics here in the support forums which are quite old and either have an incorrect answer, or no answer. However I often know the answer myself, but don’t have anyway to reply as the topics are closed so quickly.
If possible, it would be really handy to have the ability to reply to those old topics. I understand the limits are put in place to prevent abuse, and over-bumping of topics, but it starting to become quite restrictive on provide technical help around here.
The following topic in particular just required someone to mention the the_widget() function, but instead it is a topic with an incorrect answer.
]]>(I tried to reply to the thread, but was unable to. Sorry for starting a new one for such a trivial thing…)