shows as:
Version 3.4.17 and 3.4.23
]]>I have implemented the following shortcode.
[reviews_rating view=3 interval=3 loop=true]
You can find it under “Kundenstimmen”!
The blocker must be present in DE, unfortunately.
Unfortunately the carousel does not run automatically.
Only after I have changed once myself, it then runs automatically. But also the first change does not work with a click on the bullet but only with an arrow. Afterwards the bullet also works.
In the cosole an error is displayed after clicking on the bullet!
Greetings Sascha
]]>I want all the links under the login button to have the same bullet point. I checked the code and saw noticed, that div.wpum-template.wpum-form.wpum-login-form has ul.wpum-action-links, which has 2 list item elements. The first one has a bullet point, but the second one doesn’t. You can see that HERE.
How can I fix that? I traced the code for the link without the bullet point to /wp-content/plugins/wp-user-manager/includes/wpum-forms/class-wpum-form-password-recovery.php, in which there is this code:
* Show the password recovery form first step.
* @return void
public function submit( $atts ) {
$data = [
'form' => $this->form_name,
'action' => $this->get_action(),
'fields' => $this->get_fields( 'user' ),
'step' => $this->get_step(),
'message' => apply_filters( 'wpum_lost_password_message', esc_html__( 'Lost your password? Please enter your username or email address. You will receive a link to create a new password via email.', 'wp-user-manager' ) )
->set_template_data( $data )
->get_template_part( 'forms/form', 'password-recovery' );
->set_template_data( $atts )
->get_template_part( 'action-links' );
Since I don’t understand PHP, I can’t fix the problem via code myself, so I kindly ask for your assistance. I checked the options in Users >> Settings , etc. but I couldn’t find anything that would allow me to do this. I tried it with Loco Translate by adding the bullet point before translating the Lost your password? part, but that makes the bullet point a link as well, which I don’t want.
Please help me out.
Kind regards
]]>But these SVG images are blurry and pixelated (especially on mobile) on my site and in my media library. How do I get them to work?
Thank you
]]>Doing a backspace removes a new one. But then it comes back.
How to deal with this?
I am using a variation of Wp Bakery Page Builder with the Product Tabs Plugin.
For a long time, the features of Wp Bakery Page Builder were well supported in the product tabs. However, recently there was an update of both plugins and since, there are formatting issues with the “fancy unordered lists” of wp bakery. This module can be seen in use in the tab “Funktion” of the link I posted.
The list entries now have a “double bullet” (a bullet and a tick mark), which I don’t want. Can you tell me, what causes this error and what I need to do in order to fix it?
Or is the WP Bakery module not going to be supported?
I have been using this plugin for a while now, but I observed recently that there is a bullet before the thumbnail. This was not there before. Can you help removing it?
]]>I just discovered this extension, and it is really great! I has very neat functions, and i am very pleased with its possibilities!
I was trying to use the icon list to get a Do and Don’t list in my FAQ section. So I will be using green check marks and red X marks in my list.
When I do it in the editor, it looks great! Image of how it looks in the editor
But once I get on the website, original bullets from regular list are showing before the icon, and the icon color does not show… Image of how it looks on the website
It seems like default style css is overriding a part of the code…
How can I fix that, knowing that I am no coder (my business is sewing, and I am building my own website), although I am able to do advanced maneuver upon guidance.
Thanks a lot for your help!!
]]>I’m unable to change the font size on a numbered or bulleted list on my posts. It defaults back to a smaller size, and I’ve tried a bunch of CSS changes but nothing works.
.entry-content ol li span{
I tried that as well as:
ul,ol {
font-size: 16px !important;
And did not have any success. I would love any help, thanks so much!