here it is again: despite having a /plugins/theme-my-login-custom.php file with add_filter( 'show_admin_bar', '__return_true' );
in it (that’s the only way to stop TML from removing the admin bar to non logged in), BuddyPress admin bar disappears for logged in subscribers but is available to roles like Editor or Administrator.
Jeff Farthing could you be so kind to help us out with the issue? what else could we try in /plugins/theme-my-login-custom.php to stop the problem?
]]>My background: fine with html/css but new to php.
I’m using the Buddypress plugin to develop a website offline/locally. I would like to move a subnav tab and associated page content from beneath one nav tab (TAB A) in the menu to below another nav tab (TAB B).
Essentially it boils down to wanting to call the code used to create one page and make it do its thing somewhere else. Effectively create a page duplicate.
I’m able to create a new subnav tab in the new desired location, but am unable to identify/load the necessary functions/code to make the desired content appear.
Any ideas on how to do this? Ideas on how to identify the code and php files which is creating the web page? Do i need to be on the lookout for screen functions, functions, hooks?
Spent hours going through forums and the plugin php files but not able to find solution. Anything is welcome at this point!
// Add a new subnav menu tab
function fave_subnav_tab() {
global $bp;
$parent_slug = 'notifications';
//Add subnav item
bp_core_new_subnav_item( array(
'name' => __( 'Fave' ),
'slug' => fave,
'parent_url' => $bp->loggedin_user->domain . $parent_slug.'/',
'parent_slug' => $parent_slug,
'screen_function' => '?????',
'position' => 30,
) );
add_action( 'bp_setup_nav', 'fave_subnav_tab' );
]]>I recently made some changes to the php file of BuddyBar to customize it looks. But all this has been done in the original php file where buddybar is located at in /wp-content/plugins.
Would you happen to know the file path set up if I wanted to copy those php and css to my child theme?
Like how bbPress told me to copy their css files to /themes/myChildTheme/css. To make it work.
]]>I’d like to fix this by either bringing the floating bar down further while scrolling, and / or by having the floating bar show up behind the flydown menus on the buddybar.
Any suggestions? Thanks!
]]>I posted this question a little while back but a set I have not been able to find a solution.
I would like to be able to change the items in the Buddybar
EG if I wanted to change Photo’s to Images or even delete items which I didn’t want in the menu such as groups or activity?
I’ve had a look through the files but can’t seem to find what I am looking for.
I’ve found: do_action( ‘bp_adminbar_menus’ ); in bp-core-buddybar.php on line 393 but not too sure if this is right or if I can change this.
I’d also like to achieve the same thing in the profile menu.
Any suggestions?
[ Please do not bump, it’s not permitted here. ]
]]>*Fatal error*: Call to undefined function is_site_admin() in */homepages/32/d368129788/htdocs/Capitaldms/wp-content/plugins/cd-buddybar-logo-changer/cd-bblc.php* on line *36*
Can anyone help as my website is not finished and I am unable to edit it or prevent the public from viewing it!
]]>I want to do the opposite of what the “BuddyBar Widget” Plugin does. I want to move the the sidebar widget items up into the BuddyBar so they are consistently available across the site.
Has anyone done this?
I’ve tried inserting and editing the widget code into the buddybar code and I’m getting fatal errors.
I have asked this on and thought I would also search here for someone else who has accomplished this.
]]>I have a tiny problem I’m hopping someone can help me with. I’ve created a customised version of the default Buddypress theme and instead of having a set width for the admin bar I have edited adminbar.css to make it stretch across the whole screen seen here:
Now I’ve noticed that every sub-blog loads a file called adminbar.css?ver=3.0.1 which I imagine is a database based file. As a result of this the admin bar on other blogs has a a set width seen below:
I’m wondering if anyone knows where/how I can find the adminbar.css?ver=3.0.1 file as I only need to edit 1 line. If I add this to my style.css file to over right it doesn’t have any affect.
The CSS change I need to make to the adminbar.css?ver=3.0.1 file is as simple as:
body#bp-default #wp-admin-bar .padder { max-width: 950px; }
body#bp-default #wp-admin-bar .padder { max-width: none; }
I’ve noticed that the CSS file reference is inserted via <?php wp_head(); ?>
which would indicate a database?
Any help with this will be greatly appreciated!