The following linux commands finally helped me to remove the malware and to better sleep at night. I hope, this will help someone else, too!
Pre requisites: You need SSH access to your webhosting.
Step 1: Identify all corrupted files that will download the .bt and .default files with the following command:
grep -Ril "_shaesx_" .
This will search recursivly all files that contain the string “_shaesx_”, which is part of the .bt hack and list the found files in the command line..
Step 2: Go through all the corrupted files and fix them. Usually, the malware code can be easily identified, because it is placed on top of the file and is quite cryptic.
Step 3: Run following command to list all malware generated files:
find -type f -name ".bt" -o -name ".default" -o -name "template-config.php" -o -name "class-wp-http-netfilter.php" | xargs ls -lh
This command lists all files by name that match “.bt”, “.default”, “.template-config.php” and “class-wp-http-netfilter.php”
If you encounter other suspicious files, just add them to the list with -o -name “your-file-name”.
Step 4: Remove the listed malware files with a slightly modification of the command above. Before doing this, make sure to check again if in the mean time the malware code from step 1 has not replicated itself (just run the command again).
find -type f -name ".bt" -o -name ".default" -o -name "template-config.php" -o -name "class-wp-http-netfilter.php" | xargs rm
This helped me to solve the problem.
If you want to know more about the .bt hack and what it does in detail, I recommend this read:
]]>I use my Vodafone 4G connection at home to view my website on all devices. This is super quick.
Currently, it is a terrible experience and one which I would not like my business prospects to experience as they will give up waiting for the page to appear.
I have asked other people (not on BT Broadband) about their experience and they say it is fine. They were in the UK and abroad.
My parents have the same BT Hub as myself and they have the same slow download speed as me for this particular site.
Neither myself nor my parents experience this problem with other websites.
Is this issue something that is common with others using BT Broadband Home Hub?
I am on Windows XP, using Chrome and Edge.
Is there something we should change somewhere (hub, in WordPress) ?
]]>Is it worth the Premium license? Not convinced imo
]]>We now plan on creating a new website and replacing the existing one using WordPress (for many obvious reasons).
How do I create a new WordPress site and, when it’s ready, replace the existing one? I’ve found an old thread that suggests installing WordPress locally and then uploading the site when ready.
Is this advice still relevant? Does this advice match my scenario? Does anyone know if this work with BT hosting the site?
Thanks for reading.
]]>It’s a text file and contains about 11,000+ lines, each of which appears to be an IP address.
My WordPress install is up to date, as are all plugins. I’ve changed the FTP password, as well my WordPress admin password.
The site does not seem to be affected – -it’s just this file which keeps reappearing, even after I delete it.
Any idea what might be happening here? I’ve alerted my web host, but they seem stumped.
]]>I installed a few plugins to try to fix things and they generally directed me that there was a bunch of spammy .txt files and .bt files. I removed the .txt files but the .bt files remain and seem to regenerate even after I delete them, which makes me think the spam txt files will definitely come back too.
There must be a code somewhere that creates the .bt files (wp-admin/.bt and wp-admin/css/.bt are where they are apparently located, but most times they don’t appear there. I’ve seen them a few times and pressed delete and they came back, disappeared, came back etc) but I don’t know where to look or how to get rid of it.
Can anyone help?
]]>Apart from closely examining both ends of the system, I have found the following out:
1) A newsletter sent out (just one) to a user does not get through.
2) A newsletter is sent to subscriber X. Subscriber X Forwards the newsletter to a account. It does not get through.
3). A newsletter is sent to subscriber X. Subscriber X removes the top part of the newsletter which contains some automated information created by the MailPoet App it does get through.
I assume there is some sort of filtering going on here, but cannot see precisely what it is. Is this something you can help with? I do not believe it is anything to do with being on a spam list otherwise mail would never reach the account. BT are absolutely useless indicating “we do not have access to that information” so right now my only option is to go to the government ombudsmen that controls telecommunications in the UK (OfCom) and make a formal complaint. BT is too large a service provider to ignore as this affects many people.
]]>“We were able to connect to the database server (which means your username and password is okay) but not able to select the xxxxxx_ishouldgetoutmore_com database.
Are you sure it exists?
Does the user ishouldgetxxxxxx have permission to use the xxxxxx_ishouldgetoutmore_com database?
On some systems the name of your database is prefixed with your username, so it would be like username_xxxxxx_ishouldgetoutmore_com. Could that be the problem?
I have checked with my host (BT) that I have entered all the details correctly in wp-config.php…
What else am I missing?
Please speak really slow and in non-tech language… I am one of the many uninitiated and am trying this for the first time.
OK. I have installed phpMyAdmin – version 2.11.1, from BT’s webhosting – as per the instructions on Codex: Installing WordPress
I’m stuck at the point where I have to create a new database.
I enter ‘wordpress’ and hit ‘create’, but then get the following error message: #1044 – Access denied for user ‘marktobinc603755’@’%’ to database ‘wordpress’
What am I doing wrong?
Any help would be so gratefully received, I can’t even begin to describe it.
Could this be to do with the BT hosting package? Or is it something else?
Any help you can give would be massively appreciated.