The PDF plugin works well in Firefox, but in Chrome and Edge it’s not working, and it’s showing an error. See screenshot
What is going wrong?
Thank you,
]]>I am currently designing a website with WordPress, and since I installed the plugin on my site, my Google Chrome browser console has been displaying the following notification: “Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.”
My question is: In the future, will your plugin stop using third-party cookies in order to be, so to speak, “Google Chrome friendly”?
WordPress : 6.7.2
Widgets pour les avis Google : 12.6
Google Chrome : Version 133.0.6943.127 (Build officiel) (64?bits)
We encountered a problem on the Chrome browser and browsers based on it (on Mozilla and Safari everything works correctly), although the use of the microphone and camera is allowed, Zoom detects that permission was not given by the browser.
Here is a screenshot of the error:
It should be the Zoom SDK library. (
Va multumesc si pentru faptul ca verificati si remediati erorile aparute inainte de a le experimenta noi.
Totusi, cu permisiunea mea, va prezint una de care sigur nu stiati:
Locker button not found custom-checkout-button.js:32:17
checkShippingMethod https://***/wp-content/plugins/samedaycourier-shipping/assets/js/custom-checkout-button.js:32
<anonymous> https://***/wp-content/plugins/samedaycourier-shipping/assets/js/custom-checkout-button.js:49
(Async: setTimeout handler)
<anonymous> https://***/wp-content/plugins/samedaycourier-shipping/assets/js/custom-checkout-button.js:48
(Async: EventListener.handleEvent)
<anonymous> https://***/wp-content/plugins/samedaycourier-shipping/assets/js/custom-checkout-button.js:46
Eroarea legata de Easybox escaladeaza si daca se incearca alegerea unei locatii prin harta interactiva, apare urmatoarea eroare in consola din browser (Firefox 133.0 64-bit), de doua ori:
Content-Security-Policy: The page’s settings blocked a script (script-src-elem) at from being executed because it violates the following directive: “script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'”
Va rog, sa nu intelegeti ca regulile Content-Security-Policy sunt la noi!
Nu m? deranjeaz? erorile daca functioneaza optiunile. In acest caz, Easybox Sameday este complet nefunctional!
Stiu ca nu va pasa de comunitatea WordPress, dar scriu aici ca sa vad? al?ii, nu voi de la Sameday …
]]>Thank you