We have 2 problems with the wppa+ :
Thank you for your answers !
]]>I have registration forms of various types. After registration is complete, when the user goes back using browser back button, it has filled in forms as it is taking from history. So, I would like to clear the registration forms when browser back button is clicked.
I created back-button-reload.js with the following code:
window.addEventListener( "pageshow", function ( event ) {
var historyTraversal = event.persisted ||
( typeof window.performance != "undefined" &&
window.performance.navigation.type === 2 );
if ( historyTraversal ) {
// Handle page restore.
and have included this in themes/functions.php
function enqueue_back_button_reload_script() {
wp_enqueue_script( 'back-button-reload', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/back-button-reload.js', array( 'jquery' ), '1.0', false );
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'enqueue_back_button_reload_script' );
However, I feel two minor issues with this.
What and how can I do to address these two issues?
]]>The redirect doesn’t work in this situation it seems.
Is there a way to prevent this?
]]>have a question here.
After I login and view the restriction page, when I press back button trying to back to the previous page, it didn’t take my to the previous page but to the fallback page, which is the login screen.
Does any one having the same issue or solution for it?
Thank you for advance,
]]>I have an identical setup running on another website: (example page: https://markhosking.com/works/nggallery/works/CLOTHING) where the back button does not behave in this anomalous way. Any suggestions appreciated..
Blog pages show at most is set to ‘8’. When i click the next page to display the next eight articles the URL adds ?page=2 which is ok. But when I click any article and hit the back button of the browser it changes to /2/ and does not display the articles i have for the page. Please help. Thank you.
]]>My front page is an index of my posts. It contains both author links and article links. These all work properly. But once on the linked-post, the browser “back” button doesn’t return to the front page. Instead, the first click of the back button moves you deeper down into the post you are on. The second click of the back button takes you out of the site. The problem is the same in Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, my Microsoft phone, and an old droid phone.
I am running the Literatum theme which offers three options for a front page: “mosaic” “3-column” and “list.” I am using “3-column” (which you can’t discern if you are viewing on a phone). There are three separate php files for some things, depending on the option chosen. For example, there are three “elements-frontpage-design” php files and three “elements-loop” php files. There is only one “functions” php file.
I assume I need to make a code modification in the “elements-loop-3columns.php” file or the “functions.php” file.
In searching for a solution, I have found the following lines of code:
<button onclick="window.history.go(-1)">Back</button>
<input type="button" value="Back" onclick="window.history.go(-1)" />
I’m guessing this code needs some question marks and brackets or something and needs to be in a location I haven’t yet pinpointed, because I have played around with it and end up with errors and white screens.
Particulars: WordPress 4.4.1 running Literatum theme which uses AJAX navigation and JS. Minimal plugins, all deactivated and reinstalled with no difference at any point in the process.
Site: heartagree.com
Thank you in advance for your help!