The images are corrupted
]]>I have a weird issue that i can see in different forums on the forum when searching for this issue – but just no-one quite having the exact same issue
I am using wordpress 5.32
I am using next gen 3.2.23
Gallery path has never been changed from the default – wp-content/gallery/
however – when new galleries get added on – they are doing weird things
1 – a gallery folder is being created in my public_html folder – being called the name of the gallery (rather than images going into wp-content/galllery/nameofgallery
2 – If I do a thumbnail crop – the thubnails now call to seperate folders for each crop that don’t exist at all
so its like this
new gallery gets added – lets call it
Pictures (i check ftp and can see its not went to wp-content/gallery – its went to public_html/Picture)
I go to add the gallery to a page and want to show this as thumbnails & ask next gen to crop these
All of the thumbnails show as broken links/no folder get created on the server
And this path get used for one thubnail
this get used for the next thumbnail
its the weirdest thing ever !
I am going to try this suggested fix from 2 years ago (but the issue is not quite teh same)
No new functionality/plugin has been added to the site – but I do keep the site software & modules up to date
Any ideas/suggestions – I am happy to work with code if there is something in any of the core nextgen files that can be changed…
What can I do to fix this? Is it possible to sue a regenerate thumbnail plugin and then will the dreamspeed plugin move them? I had a lot of problem getting all the images moved over in the first place. Any help would be appreciated.
]]>When I look at the broken thumbnail URL (in https), I can see that the first part of my domain URL is being inserted into the cloudfront URL.
so it’s inserting in after
The URL should just be×150.jpg
I found this thread:
which lead me to this bug ticket that says it’s been fixed.
But I wonder if this fix is causing it to insert my domain into the image URL.
on category pages none of them work
on variable products only the main image works
on individual products none of the product images work
Seems to be tried to srcset but not sure? Is there a fix around for this?
]]>Tried running the Regenerate Thumbnails plugin on the first site, and while most of the thumbnails were restored on the front end (all the post thumbnails from what I could see), the back end still shows dead images (even though the images is obviously still there) and the front end pages are not registering the thumbnail images at all for me.
Here’s an example of a WordPress page where the thumbnail image is supposed to appear before the “About” title.
As you can see, instead of an image, you see a dead image and the image title (“first-anniversary” in this case).
Is this a known bug? Any patches coming?
Thanks for all your hard work, guys!
]]>Once I move a file on my server, it’s looking for a non-existent file on because it also updates the path for this file (which was stored under the original upload path.)
Is there a way to regenerate this path for a gallery? Either manually or as part as an update to the plugin?
]]>After updating to the latest version of Next Gen Gallery, my images seem to be broken. When i clear the image cache (in the Gallery menue), it works again, but only once! As soon as i have viewed an image once i cannot do so a second time. E.g. after clearing cache go to my webpage ( and select the tag “geekware”, i see all images with that tag. If I then select “ohrringe” i see all images, showing earrings, but only those having tag “geekware” appear to be broken. It’s weired.
other example: clear cache, go to the webpage, select “blassrosa” – 2 thumbnails are shown. click “blassrosa” again (no refreshing in between) and the thumbnails are broken.
Another, maybe useful hint.. i have spaces in filenames.. but that didn’t cause problems so far in earlier versions.
Is there already a solution?
So basically I was moving a wordpress site from WP Engine to a new host, and there’s been a few issues. I’ve found tutorials online dealing with this, so I’ve gotten rid of the various WP Engine files and that’s worked well.
But the problem is the broken thumbnails/images. Basically on the admin end, everything looks fine, and all the photos are appearing in posts and what not. The file path for images are supposed to be
But then you go to the site, and the images are all broken, with the file path appearing as
I don’t know why it’s doing that, and which file to look into. I don’t know what thumbnail plugin I have either, as I’ve looked at my list and the only thumbnail one I see is Regenerate Thumbnails (Someone else set up the site entirely). I did try changing file permissions, but that screwed up the media centre in the admin end, and I could no longer see the photos there anymore, or upload images. As of now I can still upload new images.
If anyone has any idea about what this is and/or how to fix it, I’d really appreciate it. Thank you.