I have read it all. I understood a lot of details; but the basic concept of the box model and the differentiation between margins and paddings is still very unclear to me.
I would like to know (to understand):
UL {
background: yellow;
margin: 12px 12px 12px 12px;
padding: 3px 3px 3px 3px;
/* No borders set */
Regarding the same picture and:
LI {
color: white; /* text color is white */
background: blue; /* Content, padding will be blue */
margin: 12px 12px 12px 12px;
padding: 12px 0px 12px 12px; /* Note 0px padding right */
list-style: none /* no glyphs before a list item */
/* No borders set */
The current partical background of the theoretical questions is that:
I would like to change the ‘margins’ (???) or the ‘paddings’ (???) or both (???) of the two columns of my blog.
Any help is really appreciated!
]]>I’ve used modernist as the base theme for my site but modified it heavily.
The ‘content’ section contains the blog posts and sits above the footer.
I have a thick border-left running down the length of ‘content’
Using bottom-padding of 50px to vertically space out the blog posts within ‘content’ works nicely but also means the bottom element has 50px of redundant space before the footer, both on single post pages and index pages.
Because the border-left runs the length of the content box I am left with a margin overhanging what, to users, looks like the end of the post.
I havent been able to solve this, help would be appreciated. My options so far have been
1) find out if I can control the space between posts vertically without assigning padding-bottom: 50px; to each post — no luck so far.
2) try and give ‘content’ a negative magin value at the bottom — this succeeds in sucking the footer up closer to the end of the last post, but is ineffective in removing the extra overhanging border which is generated by the 50px of bottom padding on the post
3) make the footer a white block and force it upwards over the border, thus ‘hiding’ the overhanging border.
here’s a single post page for an example:
]]><div class="fourofour"><a href="<?php echo get_option('home'); ?>">404</a></div>
and style for that in style.css file:
‘.error_page .fourofour
float: right;
margin: 0 200px 0 0;
width: 720px;
height: 555px;
.error_page .fourofour a
position: absolute;
font-size: 550px;
color: #FF9900 !important;
text-decoration: none;
font-weight: bold;
And how does this box model looks visually?
Here it is:
The .fourfour box model
and ‘404’ link box model
And what’s the problem? I can’t change the box model height – precisely, the ‘404’ link clickable area – to be smaller, closer to the number, so like this:
I’ve tried with link’s top padding but it didn’t helped – this change had no influence on box model. Also setting link’s smaller height it made the bottom part of box get shrinked but top part was still too high. I’ve searched through google and found only tips how to increase links clickable area – have to set display: block; . I’ve tried with setting display: inline; or display: inline-block; but this height couldn’t been shrinked.
Can someone suggest idea?
]]>Examples include the H2 for single page items getting pushed to center alignment and the comments getting bumped across the page to the wrong place.
This URL shows both issues, any help appreciated!