We are building a new site right now for which knowing the bounce rate is going to be important. Is this feature available with either the free or the premium version?
Thanks in advance, looking forward to hearing from you!
]]>I have recently started adding more content after a period of not working on my site for several months. When came back I updated all the plugins and themes, dealt with any notifications, etc. One task was to rerun the wizard for Complianz.
I wanted to check that I hadn’t done anything with the configuration during my updates, I can’t see anything obvious
The bounce rate increase seems to be across all pages, total page views are slightly down as I suspect users are not going on to further pages so I am losing these interactions. I have seen a slight increase in views of my cookie policy page, which is what made me want to check my cookie banner settings.
]]>We have serious concerns that web stories are damaging our website due to the design. When a user visits a web story from search they see the attached, obviously but as you can see there is no way for the user to navigate to my website. These are dead end links where a user has to press the back button to go back to Google search, which greatly benefits Google but completely sucks for the site owners who have spent a lot of time creating these and having many problems along the way. Is there no way of making it so that there is some sort of navigation so that users will engage with our platform, rather than pressing the back button all the time and leaving our website.
Also I am not an expert but will this not affect the bounce rate of my website. Can you confirm if the bounce rate is part of google’s algorithm and if web stories will have an impact on this?
Surely there must be some way of resolving this as from a website owners point of view, I do not feel that it is fair to lose traffic through this.
]]>it was all working good with your plugin, not sure what caused bounce rate decrease problem.
I have checked that there is no other analytics code on website, other than your plugin setup using tag manager.
So could you please tell me if this problem is with plugin setup or something else?
Any features in GTM4WP plugin to take a look for this problem?
Let me know what could be the reasons for this problem.
thank you
]]>Am having an issue on multiple WordPress Woocomerce sites with gtm4wp and Universal Analytics. The bounce rate for all /product/ pages drops to 0% when gtm4wp is set up as per the instructions here:
It seems that the changeDetailView event is firing for simple products (these have no variants) as soon as a visitor lands on the page. That meant the bounce rate = 0%. I hoped Non-Interaction Hit = True would stop this but it made no difference.
If I remove just gtm4wp.changeDetailViewEEC from the string in the Event Name for step 5, the bounce rate returns to normal but then the Ecommerce Shopping Behaviour – Sessions with Product Views drops to zero.
How do I keep the bounce rate normal and not break Ecommerce Shopping Behaviour Product Views?
However, I found some problems.
1. The admin bar is missing on my homepage when I log in. (Other pages is fine.)
I’ve tried to clear the cache and use incognito mode, but it’s the same. I’ve also tried to deactivate Swift Performance and the admin bar showed up.
It used to be fine (the admin bar showing up) before I did change some settings in Swift Performance yesterday. Not sure which one causes this issue.
2. Is the “Bypass Google Analytics” necessary if I have GA code on my site?
I’ve tried to use “Bypass Google Analytics” as one article suggested, but I found that the Bounce Rate in my Google Analytics went super high. I’ve read on this page that Delay Collect might distort the bounce rate statistics.
So I thought maybe I should just don’t use the Bypass Google Analytics. I’m wondering if I don’t enable this setting, will it influence my GA statistics?
Thank you.
I have a problem with duplicate Google Analytics codes on my site because it loads two Monsterinsights scripts even though Complianz recognizes MonsterInsights in the wizard.
This gives a false low bounce rate as well as page views.
Any ideas as to why this is?
]]>I have added this code in the Custom GA Code field:
setTimeout(“ga(‘send’,’event’,’adjusted bounce rate’,’30 seconds’)”,30000);
The complete code now looks like this (localy hosted):
<!-- GA Google Analytics @ https://m0n.co/ga -->
(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),
ga('create', 'UA-109978750-3', 'auto', {'siteSpeedSampleRate': 100});
setTimeout("ga('send','event','adjusted bounce rate','30 seconds')",30000);
ga('set', 'anonymizeIp', true);
ga('send', 'pageview');
Can you please confirm that I can use the bounce rate code like this?