Ter are no problems with the affiliatelinks from other networks then Awin as far as I can see.
With the version 3.6.1 there are no problems of this kind.
]]>Support was awesome, replied super fast and immediately helped solve our problem.
]]>Zo is het weer een hele hoop werk voor niets, allerlei accounts aanvragen en dan werkt het niet.
]]>Ik heb al mijn plugins gedeactiveerd en geen adblock aanstaan. Bol.com plugin staat als enige geactiveerd. Werkt alsnog niet.
Bij forum: https://developers.bol.com/forum/partnerprogramma-wordpress-plugin/ kan geen onderwerp worden toegevoegd.
Ik hoop snel van u te horen, aangezien ik zo inkomsten misloop.
]]>I found out that the NextGen Gallery plugin conflicts with my Bol.com partnerprogram plugin.
The error message I get is:
“Deprecated TinyMCE API call: <target>.onNodeChange.add(..) plugin.min.js:1:76
De tekenset van een als frame opgenomen document is niet gedeclareerd. Het document kan er anders uitzien als het zonder het document dat het als frame bevat wordt weergegeven. product-link.php
TypeError: jQuery(…).slider is not a function”
I found out it had to be the NextGen Gallery plugin, after I had deactivated all my plugins and activated them one by one.
Is there any way you can help me to make your great plugin work with the other one?
Any help is much appreciated!!
Thank you!
WordPress 4.4.3 on Big City Theme
Nextgen 2.1.31
Bol.com Partner program 1.4.2
]]>After ready many frustrated posts about Yoast not being able to analyse pages anymore after upgrading to 3.0.x, I’ve started disabling all the plugins on my site, and re-enabling them one by one.
After re-enabling the Bol.com Partner Plugin 1.3.9, Yoast broke, while Yoast works well if this plugin is disabled. I’ve disabled-enabled it a couple of times to see if it is consistent, and it is.
So: I’ve added this finding in the Bol.com Partner Plugin Forum and will add it on the Yoast Github forum as well, and I’m adding it here now – since Yoast is Dutch, and Bol.com is a popular plugin for WordPress in Holland, my hopes are this will help solving it
If you have both plugins, you might want to try if this is your cause as well.
Kind regards,
Michel Boks
]]>I’ve updated the new bol.com version, but still it doesn’t work. I have a https site.
WP version: 4.0.
plugin version: 1.3.2.
Theme: Made
Link Site
Activated plugins:
Admin Menu Editor
Bol.com partner plugin for WordPress
BuddyPress Security Check
BuddyPress Template Pack
CF Whiteboard
Cookie Notice
Shareaholic | share buttons, analytics, related content
The Countdown Pro
Tick It
WP Mailchimp Subscription