I’m setting up a site on WordPress 5.9.3, with PHP 7.4 installed, which is an exact copy of an older website, where I’ve been successfully using your plugin.
It still works on the older website, even so it also runs on WordPress 5.9.3 by now.
However, when creating or reviewing the menus, the options as seen in the screenshots for this plugin do not appear, and the plugin does not work as intended on the newer website.
On the plugin page it says, it has been tested only up to WordPress 5.8.4.
Does the plugin need an update?
Do you guys have any hints, where to look for troubleshooting?
Thanks a lot,
06:33 (1 minute ago)
I have a full width header and footer in css
.header, .footer {min-width: 100%;} I don’t even think I need this since they are outside the container
but the footer won’t display full width.
However when I make container >> .container (width: 100%} the footer becomes full width but then the main content is left aligned. I gave the main content a content class like this >> .content{ width: 1080px; margin: 0 auto;} which did nothing
Here’s the link to the site: – https://millyscakesandevents.com.
Help please
I recently updated the logo, and I really like it. I’d like to find a theme that echoes that mechanical-drawing/blueprint feel of the logo. I basically write about anything that strikes my fancy, although there will be an emphasis on RV life. I don’t know that I need a background image. I’m looking for some blue elements or accents that would add some color to things. Any suggestions? I think I’d prefer three columns, and not quite as much whitespace on the sides as I have now. I’ve not had a whole lot of luck finding anything in the theme list here.
If someone wanted a project, and could add color elements (lines or boxes, etc) to Whitespace, that would probably work pretty well, too.
]]>I am making a custom theme for a client, and they are adamant that the footer be at a specific height on most pages. Problem is I can’t get this to work.
I’m using blueprint.css for my theme (https://www.blueprintcss.org/tests/parts/grid.html). I’ve tried a bunch of things, and my last resort was using a spacer.gif image on every page, but alas that has failed too.
My structure is as follows
<?php wp_head(); ?>
<div class="container">
<div id="head" class="span-24 last"></div>
<div id="content" class="span-24 last">
<!-- End header.php -->
<!-- Page/ post content goes here -->
<!-- Begin footer.php -->
<div id="footer" class="span-24 last"></div>
<?php wp_footer(); ?>
My permalinks are set to: /%page%/%category%/
How can I add a custom id/class to the <div id="content" class="span-24 last">
in header.php for each page?
Please help.
]]>I am building my first WordPress site at resinbarbarian.com. It’s going pretty good so far, and I have a friend who has helped me get over a few bumps. I’m trying to stop pestering him, though, because he’s very busy this week.
My problem is my search box, because it isn’t working. Search any term and I get a message reading “Error 404 – Not Found”. I have struggled through several issues today, but I don’t even know where to begin with this one.
I am using a unique theme that my friend built on the Blueprint theme. I’ve also made a few modifications of my own.
If anyone can even point me to the right place to look for info, I’d appreciate it.
]]>I set the theme and blueprint up using the following tut: https://michaelwender.com/2008/04/15/using-wordpress-sanbox-and-blueprint-css/
What’s happening is that when I put a specific blueprint class on the container or content divs, they do not get respected, nor displayed in the code. Any other changes I make regarding those divs display just fine. Is there a script that is going through and cleaning the div tags of any classes? I’ve had no problems assigning the blueprint classes to other divs in the theme’s various php files.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
]]>I’m trying to create a 3 col lay out for my wordpress theme using the Blueprint CSS framework. The issue I’m having is on the index.php page.
Since I need to use 3 different divs, one for each post.
Div #1 should be something like this:
<div class="span-8 first">
post content here
Div #2 should be something like this:
<div class="span-8">
post content here
Div #3 should be something like this:
<div class="span-8 last">
post content here
How can I updated the loop for the posts to work with the 3 unique divs? I would also like this to be supported if the user looks through older posts but the actual post page will only be a single wide col.
Thanks for the help.
]]>The theme is available for download free. It contains no hidden backlinks or any link-farming sleaziness.
See: https://8stars.org/a/downloads/harder-better-faster-stronger/