You’ve make an awesome theme. I need a little help here, how can i increase post count on homepage in Blog Section, by default it shows only 3 latest posts.
]]>Right now with the default settings the 3rd image moves down below the other two images. I would like to have all 3 images on one row with some space in between with the text over each image towards the lower part of the image.
When I tried to this by adding custom css the images would change size but then the rest of the text on the other sections moved and I could not successfully align the text beneath each image correctly.
]]>1. Text on top of the page (on every “child page), for example at my: “Home/Zabiegi/Darsonwall”. I want to change it from turquoise to orange (#ff7700)
2. In Homepage Blog Section text and “Read more” button. I want to change it from turquoise to orange (#ff7700)
Please help me do it.
Thank you in advance
I am currently tweeking my blogsection on the homepage
I would like the excerpts to al have the same length. So the boxes show a linaer row.
Is there a way to change the excerpt from 165 words to for example 310 signs including spaces?
I allready tried working with the ‘read more’ tag in the blog but that doesn’t pick up of makes the read more option go away in the excerpt on the homepage (as you can see
Thanks in advance and kind regards, Julia
I am using the Gateway theme
As you can see I have an ugly empty space above my first post where my template puts the “Blog” section. Since I have no need for it I left it empty but the empty space remains. Which file do I need to edit and what do I need to add/remove to get rid of that empty space?
and for Future reference, how could I use this space to add a banner or an scrolling highlight reel of Posts?
Thank you very much for your help.