For example, I want to add a blog.php file for a template. Can I add this file without going through my server?
]]>On my page I am trying to use my blog template. I have selected it from the drop down but it does not work.
Here is the code I am using for the template:
]]>What I’ve done is I’ve created a blog.php page and made it a template using:
Template Name: Blog
I then created a WordPress Page and selected the ‘Blog’ template from the right hand side of the page. This successfully linked the template to the permalink ( and so now I have my index.php as my home page and my blog.php acting as my Blog home page.
Now, to explain the problem…
I’m trying to create an if/else statement that will display a particular image based upon what the page is.
Here’s the if/else statement I have so far:
<?php if (is_page('attorneys') ) { ?>
<img src="<?php echo get_stylesheet_directory_uri() ?>/images/railing.jpg">
<?php } elseif (is_page_template('blog.php') { ?>
<img src="<?php echo get_stylesheet_directory_uri() ?>/images/sunset.jpg">
<?php } ?>
I’ve tried to call the blog template in numerous ways, including:
is_page(‘114’), is_page(114), is_page(‘blog’), is_page_template(‘blog.php’) … but none of these seem to work!
I’ve messed around a little bit with is_front_page and is_home, but these aren’t really working either…and I’ve played around with the Settings > Reading – Front Page and Home Page, and that doesn’t work either.
Can anyone help? How do I correctly call the blog template page so it will display the correct image?
]]>I am currently creating a new theme for my website. Its a custom theme, based on the zurb foundation responsive framework.
On my current live theme, and the new theme I have a Home.php File that I use for the homepage, and a blog.php Page Template that shows the latest posts as the index.php file would. This is where it gets a bit odd for me. In my current(old) theme, this works perfectly fine, but in my new theme, the Blog.php Page template only shows the Page name (“Blog”) and isn’t acting as if it is a page template.
Here is the Blog.php Page Template:
Template Name: Blog
// Which page of the blog are we on?
$paged = get_query_var('paged');
// make posts print only the first part with a link to rest of the post.
global $more;
$more = 0;
//load index to show blog
load_template(TEMPLATEPATH . '/index.php');
I believe I got this on the forums a few years ago, and today have tried a few other similar alternatives but nothing seems to be working.
The page having the issue is here:
]]>In the attachment:
Pic 1: This is the blog page (as a homepage) before I upload my home.php to the server.
Pic 2: This is my homepage after I upload my home.php to the server but the Blog page displays the home.php’s content.
Pic 3: This is my Header Menu’s setting.
Pic 4: This is my Reading Settings
Also I have created a blog template and have applied it to the Blog page by follow this instruction:?
]]>Running a site with the Innovation+science2 theme on the current version of WP.
I’ve set up all the buttons, but wanna use the main page as a stand alone/static page and want to link to the blog section via the menu
what I’ve done is the following
Created a page in the pages section, linked it to blog.php
then went down to Settings/Reading adjusted the post page to blog.php aswell, since doing that when I click the link on the 1st page nothing appears, and apart from going round in circle fors the past few hours thats as far as I’ve got
can anyone shed some light on this….soz if it is a genuine noob mistake
thanks in advance
]]>I’m betting there is a really simple answer to this question as it’s probably just something I don’t understand about Starkers.
I’ve built a site using Starkers using Pages sucessfully and that also uses a “home.php” file for the static front page. Now I want to add a “Blog” page. I created a page named “Blog” and used the “Settings > Reading” submenu to set the “Posts” page to my page named “Blog”. But instead, my new Blog page is identical to my Home page instead of showing my posts.
I also tried creating a “blog.php” template containing the loop from the index.php page and selecting it as the default template for my new Blog page but the result is the same.
Does anyone know why this is or have a suggestion for me as to how to get my new Blog page to show posts and not the front page?
Many thanks in advance! -c-
]]>I set up a blog.php page
Put this in the header
* Template Name: blog.php
I added the page Blog to the reading setting so that it is used for the blog and made sure that page has the blog.php template applied but if I add some custom code to that template it doesn’t show up on the page.
Any ideas?
Error 404 – Not Found
Why is that? The posts show up just fine but not the index. Any help? Or does it just not like me changing the filename to anything besides index.php?
]]>Everything looks good except for this warning at the top:
Warning: Header may not contain more than a single header, new line detected. in /home/innerwor/public_html/shopping/includes/functions/sessions.php on line 96
Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter – headers already sent (output started at /home/innerwor/public_html/shopping/includes/functions/sessions.php:96) in /home/innerwor/public_html/shopping/includes/functions/sessions.php on line 96
You can see my page here
The line referred to in sessions.php reads:
return session_start();
Any ideas out there?