I have tried both the post list and post ticker shortcodes.
]]>[Site-url].com/blog > [Site-url]com/article-title
but what I want to achieve is this kind of url
[Site-url].com/blog > [Site-url]com/blog/article-title
Can you help me solve this? I’m new when using wordpress and elementor
]]>As shown in screenshot https://i.imgur.com/fzOrYt4.png
– How can I reduce margin on right and left of this page ONLY and make the blog posts (list) appear in 3 columns instead of 2 (smaller images of course)
Website is https://www.travelphotospirit.com/blog/
Thank you,
I have recently moved from Blogger/.blogspot to my own WordPress site.
My blog had been linked to by other blogger websites using the ‘my blogs list’ widget – (which I’m assuming just reads the latest post and date from the rss feed and sorts accordingly).
My previous sites rss feed (…/feed) now redirects to my new websites feed. As with all other pages and posts which should redirect to their equivalent page.
I’ve requested to a couple of these sites that they update the URL on their lists from the previous www.sewquiltdesigns.blogspot.com to the new www.sewquiltdesigns.com.
However, even with the updated URL, its still only picking up the second to last post from 5 weeks ago.
Is there anything I’m missing on my side or is this purely a fault of the Blogger widget?
When looking through examples of peoples ‘my blog lists’, I have seen links to other wordpress sites and non-blogger sites which update fine… So I’m thinking its probably something I’m missing on my side?
Any help is greatly appreciated,
(Apologies to the mods If I’ve put this in the wrong section)
EDIT: An example of someone elses site that isn’t updating properly would be ( https://susannasquilts.blogspot.co.nz/ ) – Found under the ‘My Favorite Blog List’ on the right hand side.
]]>I’ll admit, I’m a WordPress newbie, so I’m probably making some very basic mistakes, but at this point, I’m completely confused.
The site has a static homepage as well as other pages, but currently no posts aside from a test one.
Any pointers in the right direction would be fantastic. I don’t want to post any current code because quite frankly I’d rather scrap the whole lot and start from scratch.