I have changed my website colors and also font colors. Now my blog title is not visible (its white) anymore and I dont know how to change that. When i go to each blog page then I also cannot change the blog title. And also the ‘standard blog format’ I cant find now.
For example here is the blog title white: https://www.psycholoogmarieke.nl/blog/onbegeleid-boksen-boosheid/
]]>I’m trying to build a portfolio site with 2023 theme and custom post types. The aim is to link structured content to a specifec designed blog or page layout.
Thanks to the plugins help of <CPT UI > and <Custom Fields> I successfully created custom post types and custom fileds. But how can this content be connected to a blog or page layout in theme 2023?
Unfortunately there seems to be only tutorials for this with Elementor. But it must be possible also with the block theme 2023 … but how?
Any suggestion for the use of custom post types with 2023 theme is very welcome.
Best regards
But I’m struggling with it “Blog Layout 4” for the mobile version of the site
I need the featured image to be below the title of the article on the home page (as well as in the categories) and the meta to be below the title of the article( in mobile version)
In order like this:
1 title of the article
2 meta (data post)
3 featured images
4. Excerpt
In content-single.php I managed to edit and change the positions for headline and post_meta
I hope you will help me thank you
P.S. whether the theme uses some flash or not?
]]>i am looking for a little help for a problem i have. For the last week i was sitting at home, because of quarantine measures and got a lot of time, to bring my personal blog to a point, i am happy with. Now there is basically just one thing really bothering me.
I choosed the Blog layout, where the image is besides (changing) the title, what i really like, because it is not so overburdened. The problem is, the format is not good to look at, on smartphones. Because of the smaller, and vertical display ratio, the pictures are getting way to small.
So i would like to change the layout on the smartphone, to different one, where the picture is above, while the layout for bigger screens should stay in the origin form, if this is possible.
Thanks in advance
Marcus Grech
My page is built with the Gutenberg Latest Posts block and I selected the grid layout. It looks fine in the edit view, but when I go to view the live page, I get a list.
I tried using other plugins with the same result. I am using the Astra theme but the problem occurs in other themes as well.
Is there a setting I am missing somewhere?
Thanks for the suggestions
If I go to the edit page, it looks the way I would like it to look, but if I click on the View Page, I get the messed up version.
Any ideas?
The first link shows what I want it to look like, while the second one is what it looks like.
]]>The blog page / feed is just a long page with all the posts on it.
Is there a good way to change this? There doesn’t seem to be an option in the theme itself to do so.
I created a customized content using a page builder plugin to set up the blog appearance for the home page:
but still the layout of the post page and category post page is way basic.
Someone can shed any light on this matter please?
Thank you in advance
Image Excerpt
Read More Button
Can anyone help me add the CSS or Filter that can make these changes to GeneratePress Theme?