Thank you,
]]>I saw others have asked about autoplay, and support answered the most recent question ( by sending the person to another forum thread ( which links to Firefox and Chrome articles about enabling/disabling autoplay in browser settings, but that does not answer why AudioIgniter does not include an autoplay option.
]]>Keyword adding:
the control “add keyword” is not detected by the screen reader, as a button; pressing the Enter key currently works on “add keyword” wherever it appears, but it is not a standard button – please consider adding on that code, the role=”button” attribute and tabindex=”0″ attribute.
Removing a keyword once set, is now impossible. In a few versions ago it was possible by pressing the Enter key on a blank space before the keyword – screen reader cannot even detect the “x” sign, if it is as such.
But now, screen reader intercepts the keywords, but it’s impossible to remove them with keyboard only.
There are also many issues in the keyword interval interface, but as the inaccessibility is also in the documentation as there are many screenshots instead of texts explaining how to use it, I really do not understand how to use that function, as I do not see.
I contacted you privately still in August when I bought the Pro version, you promised that you could fix issues but they became worse instead.
I’ll not ask money back (it also may be too late) because I use the plugin every day and enjoy pro features. But, at least, do not discriminate blind customers in this way and solve those accessibility issues ASAP!
WordPress core is accessibility compliant, Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1 level AA (intermediate), why plugins shouldn’t be, especially paid ones?
I have a client who is blind and runs a blog. It is amazing what he can do. I’ve been web designing for 20+ years and even I have trouble even selecting the parent column block as it grabs the inside blocks instead. Adding an manipulating images is tricky. Not to mention adding links is a nightmare… how is one to remember the name of every page on the site?
How the heck is blind or visually impaired person supposed to manage this?
With the classic editor I was able to train my blind client in less than an hour. I can’t even imagine training one of my sited clients with this Gutenberg, never mind a blind person.
What were you thinking?
]]>the script runs and starts SQL Injection alert that we almost “all” pages, this is what warning me:
At a glance
Classification Input Validation Error
Resource https://xxxx.xxxx.xx/page/22
Parameter s
Method GET
Detection Type Blind Text Injection Differential
Risk High
GET /page/22/?s=1′”
As I can fix this?