Look up Ingo Straub on YouTube, Twitter or LinkedIn. Makes a great 3d Mind Map.
Also 3d is the way to work and go. I got several ideas myself.
Blender, Adobe, Microsoft invested in this.
Looking at 3d for training.
]]>Now, when this plugin works like a charm, is here a time for more answers! So…
Is here any way how we can move Related posts below comments?
]]>This is similar to a thread posted an year ago where bunch of people posted fixes and the Plugin Author pointed out that the function was being invoked in the wrong way.
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare get_option_tree() (previously declared in C:\Git\HG\xampp\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\option-tree\includes\ot-functions-deprecated.php:28) in C:\Git\HG\xampp\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\themes\blender\option-tree\functions\get-option-tree.php on line 55
I am guessing there is an easy fix like the samples posted on that thread, but I am not big time PHP dev so I figured I’d ask for an easy fix/ workaround.
Do advise.
]]>Here is the Spanish translation/localisation for this plugin, hope you enjoy it!
For those who do not know it, if you want to use this (or any other translation) and not lose it after a plugin upgrade, do the following:
1. Add this code to your functions.php:
function custom_plugin_language_dir() {
load_plugin_textdomain('tweetblender', false, '../languages/');
add_action('after_setup_theme', 'custom_plugin_language_dir');
2. Then unzip the .po and .mo file to /wp-content/languages/
Remember that if you have a multilingual website you should move all existing .mo files for this plugin to /wp-content/languages/, as this is the new location where WordPress will look for this plugin .mo files!
]]>However, there is a solution: Upgrading TB’s version of jQuery-JSONP to the latest version fixes the issue for us. (Latest version here: https://cloud.github.com/downloads/jaubourg/jquery-jsonp/jquery.jsonp-2.3.1.min.js )
It would be great to see this upgrade put into the plugin, is there any chance we’ll see this happen soon? Been a few months now since an update!
Anyone else having trouble with W3TC and Tweetblender may also wish to perform this fix themselves for the time being, but the usual warnings apply, obviously.
]]>I’m getting a problem when I try to activate Tweet Blender and JSON API plug-ins at the same time.
It causes the site to crash and I am given the following error message –
Catchable fatal error: Object of class Services_JSON could not be converted to string in /home/rinntech/public_html/testarea.me.uk/demo/wp-includes/classes.php on line 277
Debugging the site it appears that the filter that adds the to the array $quesry_vars[]=’json’; seems to cause the problem.
Has anyone necountered this before?
]]>On my website https://www.jpb-design.nl I added your plugin this week. Like it very mucht! Unfortunately updates are not complete. Under the “Advanced” tab I selected the checkbox that allows to switch back to user timeline API. Doesn’t help. I still miss reply’s.
Any solution?